var konfiguratorData = {"products":[{"id":"53","title":"Gas","title_en":"Gas","title_fr":"Gaz","beschreibung":"

Gas-Energie:<\/h2> \n

\nDie zuverl\u00e4ssigen und leistungsstarken Gaskessel haben einen ausgezeichneten Normnutzungsgrad, der durch den Brennwerteffekt noch gesteigert wird. Sie bieten eine hohe Bedienerfreundlichkeit und eine konstante Raumtemperatur.

\nGas ist ein schadstoffarmer Brennstoff und ist au\u00dferdem g\u00fcnstiger (mit Ausnahme von Propangas) als Erd\u00f6l und Strom. Die Gasversorgung erfolgt \u00fcber das Gasnetz oder durch Lagerung in einem Gastank.\n<\/p>","beschreibung_en":"

Gas energy:<\/h2> \n

\nReliable and performant, gas boilers offer a very high efficiency which is further improved by condensing technology. They are extremely easy to use and provide a constant room temperature.

\nGas is a low-pollutant fuel and, with the exception of propane, is also cheaper than oil and electricity. Gas is supplied either from the gas network or by tank.\n<\/p>","beschreibung_fr":"

Energie gaz:<\/h2> \n

\nFiables et performantes, les chaudi\u00e8res gaz ont un excellent rendement, encore am\u00e9lior\u00e9 par la condensation. Elles apportent un grand confort d\u2019utilisation, une temp\u00e9rature ambiante constante.

\nLe gaz est un combustible peu polluant et il est aussi moins cher (hors propane) que le fioul et l\u2019\u00e9lectrique. L\u2019approvisionnement en gaz se fait soit par le r\u00e9seau gaz, soit par stockage dans une citerne.\n<\/p>","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":true,"advanced_mode":true,"zusatzmodul":false,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"1","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_53.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_53.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_53.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_53.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_53.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_53.png"},{"id":"54","title":"Gas + Solar","title_en":"Gas + Solar","title_fr":"Gaz\/Solaire","beschreibung":"

Gas-\/Solar-Energie:<\/h2> \n

\nDie zuverl\u00e4ssigen und leistungsstarken Gaskessel haben einen ausgezeichneten Normnutzungsgrad, der durch den Brennwerteffekt noch gesteigert wird. Sie bieten eine hohe Bedienerfreundlichkeit und eine konstante Raumtemperatur.
\nGas ist ein schadstoffarmer Brennstoff und ist au\u00dferdem g\u00fcnstiger (mit Ausnahme von Propangas) als Erd\u00f6l und Strom. Die Gasversorgung erfolgt \u00fcber das Gasnetz oder durch Lagerung in einem Gastank.\nDurch die Kopplung eines Gaskessels mit Solarenergie kann der Energieverbrauch weiter optimiert werden, f\u00fcr eine umweltfreundliche L\u00f6sung.\n<\/p>","beschreibung_en":"

Gas energy:<\/h2> \n

\nReliable and performant, gas boilers offer a very high efficiency which is further improved by condensing technology. They are extremely easy to use and provide a constant room temperature.

\nGas is a low-pollutant fuel and, with the exception of propane, is also cheaper than oil and electricity. Gas is supplied either from the gas network or by tank.

\nThe association between a solar-system and a gas boiler enables additional energy savings while being environmentally friendly.\n<\/p>","beschreibung_fr":"

Energie gaz \/ solaire:<\/h2> \n

\nFiables et performantes, les chaudi\u00e8res gaz ont un excellent rendement, encore am\u00e9lior\u00e9 par la condensation. Elles apportent un grand confort d\u2019utilisation et une temp\u00e9rature ambiante constante.
\nLe gaz est un combustible peu polluant et il est aussi moins cher (hors propane) que le fioul et l\u2019\u00e9lectrique. \nL\u2019association d\u2019une chaudi\u00e8re gaz \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9nergie solaire permet d\u2019optimiser encore plus la consommation d\u2019\u00e9nergie et d\u2019opter pour une solution respectueuse de l\u2019environnement, ce qui est en parfaite ad\u00e9quation avec les exigences de la RT 2012.\n<\/p>","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":true,"advanced_mode":true,"zusatzmodul":false,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"2","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_54.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_54.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_54.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_54.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_54.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_54.png"},{"id":"55","title":"\u00d6l","title_en":"Oil","title_fr":"Fioul","beschreibung":"


\nDie Erd\u00f6l-Energie wird besonders bei der Modernisierung einer bereits vorhandenen Erd\u00f6l-Heizungsanlage und auch bei Anlagen ohne Anschluss an ein Energieversorgungsnetz verwendet.

\nDurch die technischen Fortschritte bei der Verbindung Brenner-Kessel und Anwendung der Brennwerttechnik stehen sehr leistungsstarke \u00d6lheizkessel zur Verf\u00fcgung.\n<\/p>","beschreibung_en":"

Oil energy:<\/h2>\n

\nOil energy is ideal for modernising existing oil heating installations and for houses not connected to the gas network.

\nTechnical progress in combining burners and boilers added to the use of condensing technology result in the creation of highly efficient oil boilers.\n<\/p>","beschreibung_fr":"

Energie fioul:<\/h2>\n

\nL'\u00e9nergie fioul est tout particuli\u00e8rement adapt\u00e9e dans le cadre de la modernisation d'une installation de chauffage existante au fioul ou encore pour les installations non raccord\u00e9es \u00e0 un r\u00e9seau.

\nLes progr\u00e8s techniques r\u00e9alis\u00e9s dans l'alliance de nouveaux br\u00fbleurs fioul modulants et de chaudi\u00e8res \u00e0 condensation permettent de proposer des solutions fioul tr\u00e8s performantes.\n<\/p>","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":false,"advanced_mode":true,"zusatzmodul":false,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"3","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_55.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_55.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_55.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_55.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_55.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_55.png"},{"id":"56","title":"\u00d6l + Solar","title_en":"Oil + Solar","title_fr":"Fioul solaire","beschreibung":"


\nDie Erd\u00f6l-Energie wird besonders bei der Modernisierung einer bereits vorhandenen Erd\u00f6l-Heizungsanlage und auch bei Anlagen ohne Anschluss an ein Energieversorgungsnetz verwendet. Durch die technischen Fortschritte bei der Verbindung Brenner-Kessel und Anwendung der Brennwerttechnik stehen sehr leistungsstarke \u00d6lheizkessel zur Verf\u00fcgung. Durch die Kopplung eines \u00d6lheizkessels mit Solarenergie kann der Energieverbrauch weiter optimiert werden, f\u00fcr eine umweltfreundliche L\u00f6sung.\n<\/p>","beschreibung_en":"

Oil\/solar energy:<\/h2>\n

\nOil energy is ideal for modernising existing oil heating installations and for houses not connected to the gas network. Technical progress in combining burners and boilers added to the use of condensing technology, result in the creation of highly efficient oil boilers.

\nThe association between a solar-system and an oil boiler enables additional energy savings while being environmental friendly. \n<\/p>","beschreibung_fr":"

Energie fioul \/ solaire:<\/h2>\n

\nL'\u00e9nergie fioul est tout particuli\u00e8rement adapt\u00e9e dans le cadre de la modernisation d'une installation de chauffage existante au fioul ou encore pour les installations non raccord\u00e9es au r\u00e9seau gaz. Les progr\u00e8s techniques r\u00e9alis\u00e9s dans l'alliance br\u00fbleur-chaudi\u00e8re et aussi l'utilisation de la technique condensation permettent de proposer des chaudi\u00e8res fioul tr\u00e8s performantes. L\u2019association d\u2019une chaudi\u00e8re fioul \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9nergie solaire permet d\u2019optimiser encore plus la consommation d\u2019\u00e9nergie et d\u2019opter pour une solution respectueuse de l\u2019environnement.\n<\/p>","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":false,"advanced_mode":true,"zusatzmodul":false,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"4","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_56.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_56.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_56.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_56.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_56.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_56.png"},{"id":"57","title":"V100SL","title_en":"V100SL","title_fr":"V100SL","beschreibung":"

\nWarmwasserspeicher mit Glattrohrtauscher V100SL, unter dem Kessel montiert \n<\/p>\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t
Inhalt<\/td>\n\t<\/td>\n\t100 Liter<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Spezifischer Durchfluss<\/td>\n\t<\/td>\n\t17 Liter\/Min. \/ min<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Anz. Personen<\/td>\n\t<\/td>\n\t4 Personen<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Einrichtung<\/td>\n\t<\/td>\n\t1 Badezimmer<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_en":"

\nDomestic hot water tank with coil heat exchanger V100SL, installed underneath the boiler. \n<\/p>\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t
Capacity<\/td>\n\t<\/td>\n\t100 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Specific flow rate<\/td>\n\t<\/td>\n\t17 litres \/ min<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
No. of persons<\/td>\n\t<\/td>\n\t4<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipment<\/td>\n\t<\/td>\n\t1 bathroom<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_fr":"

\nPr\u00e9parateur d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire \u00e0 serpentin V100SL, mont\u00e9 en colonne sous la chaudi\u00e8re. \n<\/p>\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t
Capacit\u00e9<\/td>\n\t<\/td>\n\t100 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
D\u00e9bit sp\u00e9cifique<\/td>\n\t<\/td>\n\t17 litres \/ min<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Nb de personnes<\/td>\n\t<\/td>\n\t4 personnes<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipement<\/td>\n\t<\/td>\n\t1 salle de bain<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":true,"advanced_mode":false,"zusatzmodul":true,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"5","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_57.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_57.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_57.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_57.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_57.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_57.png"},{"id":"58","title":"B200SSL","title_en":"B200SSL","title_fr":"B200SSL","beschreibung":"

\nSolar-Warmwasserspeicher mit doppelter Glatrohrtauscher B200SSL, neben dem Kessel montiert\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Inhalt<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 200 Liter<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Spezifischer Durchfluss<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 20 Liter\/Min.<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Anz. Personen<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5 Personen<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Einrichtung<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 Badezimmer<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_en":"

\nDomestic hot water solar tank with double coil heat exchanger B200SSL, installed beside the boiler.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacity<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 200 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Specific flow rate<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 20 litres \/ min<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
No. of persons<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipment<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 bathrooms<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_fr":"

\nPr\u00e9parateur d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire solaire \u00e0 double serpentin B200SSL, juxtapos\u00e9 \u00e0 la chaudi\u00e8re.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacit\u00e9<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 200 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
D\u00e9bit sp\u00e9cifique<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 20 litres \/ min<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Nb de personnes<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5 personnes<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipement<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 salles de bain<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":true,"advanced_mode":false,"zusatzmodul":true,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"6","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_58.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_58.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_58.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_58.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_58.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_58.png"},{"id":"59","title":"V200SSL","title_en":"V200SSL","title_fr":"V200SSL","beschreibung":"

\nSolar-Warmwasserspeicher mit doppelter Glatrohrtauscher V200SL, unter dem Kessel montiert.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Inhalt<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 200 Liter<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Spezifischer Durchfluss<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 20 Liter\/Min.<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Anz. Personen<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5 Personen<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Einrichtung<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 Badezimmer<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_en":"

\nDomestic hot water solar tank with double coil heat exchanger V200SSL, installed underneath the boiler.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacity<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 200 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Specific flow rate<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 20 litres \/ min <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
No. of persons<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipment<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 bathrooms<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_fr":"

\nPr\u00e9parateur d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire solaire \u00e0 double serpentin V200SSL, mont\u00e9 en colonne sous la chaudi\u00e8re.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacit\u00e9<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 200 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
D\u00e9bit sp\u00e9cifique<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 20 litres \/ min<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Nb de personnes<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5 personnes<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipement<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 salles de bain<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":true,"advanced_mode":false,"zusatzmodul":true,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"7","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_59.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_59.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_59.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_59.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_59.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_59.png"},{"id":"60","title":"B220SHL","title_en":"B220SHL","title_fr":"B220SHL","beschreibung":"

\nSchichtenladespeicher mit 1 solaren Glatrohrtauscher B200SHL, neben dem Kessel montiert.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Inhalt<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 220 Liter<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Spezifischer Durchfluss<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 20 Liter\/Min.<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Anz. Personen<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5 Personen<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Einrichtung<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 Badezimmer +<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_en":"

\nStratification domestic hot water tank with a solar coil heat exchanger B220SHL, installed beside the boiler.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacity<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 220 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Specific flow rate<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 20 litres \/ min<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
No. of persons<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipment<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 bathrooms +<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_fr":"

\nPr\u00e9parateur d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire solaire \u00e0 stratification et serpentin solaire B220SHL, juxtapos\u00e9 \u00e0 la chaudi\u00e8re.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacit\u00e9<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 220 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
D\u00e9bit sp\u00e9cifique<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 20 litres \/ min<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Nb de personnes<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5 personnes<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipement<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 salles de bain<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":false,"advanced_mode":true,"zusatzmodul":true,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"8","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_60.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_60.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_60.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_60.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_60.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_60.png"},{"id":"61","title":"V220SHL","title_en":"V220SHL","title_fr":"V220SHL","beschreibung":"

\nSchichtenladespeicher mit 1 solaren Glatrohrtauscher V220SHL, unter dem Kessel montiert.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Inhalt<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 220 Liter<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Spezifischer Durchfluss<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 24 L\/Min. mit AGC 25 und AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Anz. Personen<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5 Personen<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Einrichtung<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 Badezimmer +<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_en":"

\nStratification domestic hot water tank with a solar coil heat exchanger V220SHL, installed underneath the boiler.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacity<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 220 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Specific flow rate<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 24 L\/Min. with AGC 25 and AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
No. of persons<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipment<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 bathrooms +<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_fr":"

\nPr\u00e9parateur d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire solaire \u00e0 stratification et serpentin solaire V220SHL, mont\u00e9 en colonne sous la chaudi\u00e8re.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacit\u00e9<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 220 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
D\u00e9bit sp\u00e9cifique<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 24 L\/Min. avec AGC 25 et AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Nb de personnes<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5 personnes<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipement<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 salles de bain +<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":false,"advanced_mode":true,"zusatzmodul":true,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"9","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_61.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_61.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_61.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_61.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_61.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_61.png"},{"id":"62","title":"B220SHL","title_en":"B220SHL","title_fr":"B220SHL","beschreibung":"

\nSchichtenladespeicher mit 1 solaren Glatrohrtauscher B200SHL, neben dem Kessel montiert.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Inhalt<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 220 Liter<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Spezifischer Durchfluss<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 24 L\/Min. mit AGC 25 und AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Anz. Personen<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5 Personen<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Einrichtung<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 Badezimmer<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_en":"

\nStratification domestic hot water tank with a solar coil heat exchanger B220SHL, installed beside the boiler.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacity<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 220 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Specific flow rate<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 24 L\/Min. with AGC 25 and AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
No. of persons<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipment<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 bathrooms<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_fr":"

\nPr\u00e9parateur d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire solaire \u00e0 stratification et serpentin solaire B220SHL, juxtapos\u00e9 \u00e0 la chaudi\u00e8re.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacit\u00e9<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 220 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
D\u00e9bit sp\u00e9cifique<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 24 L\/Min. avec AGC 25 et AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Nb de personnes<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 5 personnes<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipement<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 salles de bain<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":false,"advanced_mode":true,"zusatzmodul":true,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"10","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_62.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_62.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_62.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_62.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_62.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_62.png"},{"id":"63","title":"V100HL","title_en":"V100HL","title_fr":"V100HL","beschreibung":"

\nSchichtenladespeicher V100HL, unter dem Kessel montiert.\n <\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Inhalt<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 100 Liter<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Spezifischer Durchfluss<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 25,5 L\/Min. mit AGC 25 und 24 L\/Min mit AFC 24 <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Anz. Personen:<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 6 Personen<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Einrichtung<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 Badezimmer<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_en":"

\nStratification domestic hot water tank V100HL, installed underneath the boiler.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacity<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 100 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Specific flow rate<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 25,5 L\/Min. with AGC 25 and 24 L\/Min with AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
No. of persons<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 6<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipment<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 bathrooms<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_fr":"

\nPr\u00e9parateur d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire \u00e0 stratification V100HL, mont\u00e9 en colonne sous la chaudi\u00e8re. \n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacit\u00e9<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 100 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
D\u00e9bit sp\u00e9cifique<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 25,5 L\/Min. avec AGC 25 et 24 L\/Min avec AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Nb de personnes<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 6 personnes<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipement<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 salles de bain<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":false,"advanced_mode":true,"zusatzmodul":true,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"11","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_63.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_63.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_63.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_63.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_63.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_63.png"},{"id":"64","title":"B160SL","title_en":"B160SL","title_fr":"B160SL","beschreibung":"

\nWarmwasserspeicher mit Glatrohrtauscher B160SL, neben dem Kessel montiert.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Inhalt<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 160 Liter<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Spezifischer Durchfluss<\/td> \n <\/td>\n 24 L\/Min. mit AGC 25 und 23,5 L\/Min. mit AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Anz. Personen<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 6 Personen<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Einrichtung<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 Badezimmer<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_en":"

\nDomestic hot water tank with a coil heat exchanger B160SL, installed beside the boiler.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacity<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 160 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Specific flow rate<\/td> \n <\/td>\n 24 L\/Min. with AGC 25 and 23,5 L\/Min. with AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
No. of persons<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 6<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipment<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 bathrooms<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_fr":"

\nPr\u00e9parateur d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire \u00e0 serpentin B160SL, juxtapos\u00e9 \u00e0 la chaudi\u00e8re.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacit\u00e9<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 160 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
D\u00e9bit sp\u00e9cifique<\/td> \n <\/td>\n 24 L\/Min. avec AGC 25 et 23,5 L\/Min. avec AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Nb de personnes<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 6 personnes<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipement<\/td>\n <\/td>\n 2 salles de bain<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":false,"advanced_mode":true,"zusatzmodul":true,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"12","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_64.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_64.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_64.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_64.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_64.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_64.png"},{"id":"65","title":"V160SL","title_en":"V160SL","title_fr":"V160SL","beschreibung":"

\nRohrschlangen-Warmwasserspeicher V160SL, unter dem Kessel montiert.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Inhalt<\/td>\n  <\/td>\n 160 Liter<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Spezifischer Durchfluss<\/td>\n  <\/td>\n 24 L\/Min. mit AGC 25 und 23,5 L\/Min. mit AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Anz. Personen<\/td>\n  <\/td>\n 6 Personen<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Einrichtung<\/td>\n  <\/td>\n 2 Badezimmer<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_en":"

\nDomestic hot water tank with a coil heat exchanger V160SL, installed underneath the boiler.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacity<\/td>\n  <\/td>\n 160 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Specific flow rate<\/td>\n  <\/td>\n 24 L\/Min. with AGC 25 and 23,5 L\/Min. with AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
No. of persons<\/td>\n  <\/td>\n 6<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipment<\/td>\n  <\/td>\n 2 bathrooms<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","beschreibung_fr":"

\nPr\u00e9parateur d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire \u00e0 serpentin V160SL, mont\u00e9 en colonne sous la chaudi\u00e8re.\n<\/p>\n\n\n \n \n \n
Capacit\u00e9<\/td>\n  <\/td>\n 160 litres<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
D\u00e9bit sp\u00e9cifique<\/td>\n  <\/td>\n 24 L\/Min. avec AGC 25 et 23,5 L\/Min. avec AFC 24<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Nb de personnes<\/td>\n  <\/td>\n 6 personnes<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n
Equipement<\/td>\n  <\/td>\n 2 salles de bain<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":false,"advanced_mode":true,"zusatzmodul":true,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"13","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_65.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_65.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_65.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_65.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_65.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_65.png"},{"id":"66","title":"Kein Tank","title_en":"Kein Tank","title_fr":"Kein Tank","beschreibung":"","beschreibung_en":"","beschreibung_fr":"","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":true,"advanced_mode":false,"zusatzmodul":true,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"14","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_66.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_66.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_66.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_66.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_66.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_66.png"},{"id":"69","title":"Kein Tank","title_en":"Kein Tank","title_fr":"Kein Tank","beschreibung":"","beschreibung_en":"","beschreibung_fr":"","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"easy_mode":false,"advanced_mode":true,"zusatzmodul":true,"investition":"0","energieersparnis":"0","umwelt":"0","komfort":"0","sort":"15","easy_visible":"1","advance_visible":"1","image_small_de":"images\/product_small_de_69.png","image_big_de":"images\/product_big_de_69.png","image_small_en":"images\/product_small_en_69.png","image_big_en":"images\/product_big_en_69.png","image_small_fr":"images\/product_small_fr_69.png","image_big_fr":"images\/product_big_fr_69.png"}],"sets":[{"id":"65","title":"Twineo
EGC 25 und EGC 17-29 \/ V200SSL","title_en":"Twineo
EGC 25 and EGC 17-29 \/ V200SSL","title_fr":"Twineo
EGC 25 et EGC 17-29\/ V200SSL","beschreibung":"

\nDer Stand-Gas-Brennwertkessel Twineo EGC \/ V200SSL dient zur Heizung und Warmwassererzeugung mit einem Solarspeicher. Die Solarenergie kann bis zu 50 % des Warmwasserbedarfs <\/strong>decken.
\nDer Solarspeicher verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine komplette Ausstattung. Der gleich konstruierte Heizkessel Twineo EGC \/ V200SSL mit untergestelltem Speicher verringert den Platzbedarf und ist attraktiv im Design. Die Lieferung in Form von 2 separaten Modulen Heizkessel \/ Speicherbeh\u00e4lter) erm\u00f6glicht eine einfache Installation \u00fcberall im Haus.
\nDer sehr leistungsstarke Heizkessel:
\n- erm\u00f6glicht einen Normnutzungsgrad bis zu 109 %.<\/strong>
\n- gew\u00e4hrleistet die perfekte Anpassung der Leistung an den Bedarf durch den modulierenden Brenner von 22 bis 100 %.<\/strong>
\n- steuert die Heizung und Warmwassererzeugung \u00fcber Umkehrventil. <\/strong>
\n- ist extrem reaktiv und kompakt durch den neuen Monoblock-W\u00e4rmetauscher aus Aluminium-Silizium, eine Eigenentwicklung der BDR Thermea Gruppe.
\n- verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine Pumpe mit 3 Geschwindigkeitsstufen f\u00fcr EGC 25 and modulierende A Klasse Pumpe f\u00fcr EGC 17-29 und ein Ausdehungsgef\u00e4\u00df von 12 Liter.
\nDer Heizkessel verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine neue Regelung Inicontrol<\/strong>, \u00fcber das der Heizkreislauf direkt gesteuert werden kann.
\nF\u00fcr einen noch wirtschaftlicheren Betrieb mit ausgezeichnetem Komfort steht folgendes Zubeh\u00f6r zur Verf\u00fcgung:
\n- ein Au\u00dfentemperaturf\u00fchler,
\n- ein Raumtemperaturregler,
\n- ein modulierender Raumtemperaturregler openTherm.\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_en":"

\nFloor-standing gas condensing boiler Twineo EGC \/ V200SSL is designed for heating and domestic hot water production via solar tank. Solar energy can meet up to 50% of domestic hot water requirements.
\nIn the same design as the boiler, the solar tank is placed underneath the boiler and is fully equipped with control system and solar components. The system takes less foot print and is elegant in appearance. The delivery in 2 separate parts (boiler \/ tank) allows easy installation anywhere in the house.

\n\nGiving outstanding performances, the boiler :
\n- offers an efficiency up to 109%.
\n- ensures perfect adjustment output \/ needs thanks to burner modulation from 22 to 100%.
\n- provides heating and domestic hot water via inversion valve.
\n- is highly reactive and compact thanks to new monobloc aluminium silicium heat exchanger, industrial property of BDR Thermea group.
\n- equipped with a 3-speed pump for EGC 25 and a modulating class A pump for EGC 17-29 and a 12-litre expansion vessel.

\n\nThe boiler is fitted with the new Inicontrol control panel for single heating circuit and DHW control.
\nFor more savings with a high level of comfort, can be added :
\n- an outside sensor,
\n- a room thermostat,
\n- a modulating openTherm room thermostat.

\nLa chaudi\u00e8re gaz \u00e0 condensation au sol Twineo EGC \/ V200SSL est destin\u00e9e au chauffage et \u00e0 la production d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire par pr\u00e9parateur solaire. Le solaire pourra couvrir jusqu\u2019\u00e0 50% des besoins en eau chaude sanitaire<\/strong>.
\nLe ballon solaire est enti\u00e8rement pr\u00e9-\u00e9quip\u00e9 avec r\u00e9gulation et groupe solaire. De m\u00eame design et mont\u00e9e en version colonne, la chaudi\u00e8re Twineo EGC \/ V100SSL permet une occupation au sol r\u00e9duite et offre une esth\u00e9tique soign\u00e9e. La livraison en 2 blocs s\u00e9par\u00e9s (chaudi\u00e8re \/ ballon) permet une installation plus facile en tout point de la maison.\n

\nDot\u00e9e de tr\u00e8s hautes performances, la chaudi\u00e8re :
\n- atteint un rendement jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%<\/strong>.
\n- garantit une parfaite adaptation de la puissance aux besoins gr\u00e2ce au br\u00fbleur modulant de 22 \u00e0 100%<\/strong>.
\n- g\u00e8re le chauffage et l\u2019eau chaude sanitaire par vanne d\u2019inversion<\/strong>.
\n- est ultra-r\u00e9active et compacte, gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe en fonte d\u2019aluminium silicium monobloc, de conception propre au groupe BDR Thermea.
\n- est \u00e9quip\u00e9e d\u2019une pompe 3 vitesses pour la EGC 25 et d'une pompe modulante de classe A pour la EGC 17-29 et d\u2019un vase d\u2019expansion de 12 litres.\n

\nLa chaudi\u00e8re est \u00e9quip\u00e9e du nouveau tableau de commande Inicontrol<\/strong> qui permet la commande directe du circuit de chauffage.
\nPour un fonctionnement plus \u00e9conomique tout en assurant un excellent niveau de confort, peuvent \u00eatre ajout\u00e9s\u00a0:
\n- une sonde ext\u00e9rieure,
\n- un thermostat d\u2019ambiance,
\n- un thermostat d\u2019ambiance modulant openTherm.\n<\/p>","details":"

\nTechnische Merkmale Twineo
EGC \/ V200SSL :

\nLeistung 50\/30\u00b0C<\/strong>
von 5,6 bis 25,5 kW
H 1966 T 660 B 600 mm
bis zu 109 %
\nSpezifischer Durchfluss<\/strong>
18 Liter \/ Min.
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung

\nTechnical specifications Twineo
EGC \/ V200SSL :

\nOutput 50\/30\u00b0C<\/strong>
from 5,6 to 25,5 kW
\nDimensions <\/strong>
H 1966 W 600 mm D 660
\nControl system <\/strong>
\nEfficiency <\/strong>
up to 109%
\nSpecific flow rate <\/strong>
18 litres \/ min
chimney or forced flue

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques Twineo
EGC \/ V200SSL :

\nPuissance \u00e0 50\/30\u00b0C<\/strong>
de 5,6 \u00e0 25,5
H 1966 P 660 L 600 mm
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%
\nD\u00e9bit sp\u00e9cifique<\/strong>
18 litres \/ min
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse
EGC 25 und EGC 17-29 \/ B200SSL","title_en":"Twineo
EGC 25 and EGC 17-29\/ B200SSL","title_fr":"Twineo
EGC 25 et EGC 17-29\/ B200SSL","beschreibung":"

\nDer Stand-Gas-Brennwertkessel Twineo EGC \/B200SSL dient zur Heizung und Warmwassererzeugung mit einem Solarspeicher. Die Solarenergie kann bis zu 50 % des Warmwasserbedarfs decken. Der Solarspeicher verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine komplette Ausstattung. Der gleich konstruierte Heizkessel Twineo EGC \/B200SSL mit beigestelltem Speicher ist attraktiv im Design. Die Lieferung in Form von 2 separaten Modulen (Heizkessel \/ Speicherbeh\u00e4lter) erm\u00f6glicht eine einfache Installation \u00fcberall im Haus.

\n\nDer sehr leistungsstarke Heizkessel:
\n- erm\u00f6glicht einen Normnutzungsgrad bis zu 109 %.
\n- gew\u00e4hrleistet die perfekte Anpassung der Leistung an den Bedarf durch den modulierenden Brenner von 22 bis 100 %.
\n- steuert die Heizung und Warmwassererzeugung \u00fcber Umkehrventil.
\n- ist extrem reaktiv und kompakt durch den neuen Monoblock-W\u00e4rmetauscher aus Aluminium-Silizium, eine Eigenentwicklung der BDR Thermea Gruppe.
\n- verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine Pumpe mit 3 Geschwindigkeitsstufen f\u00fcr EGC 25 and modulierende A Klasse Pumpe f\u00fcr EGC 17-29 und ein Ausdehungsgef\u00e4\u00df von 12 Liter.

\n\nDer Heizkessel verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine neue Regelung Inicontrol, \u00fcber das der Heizkreislauf direkt gesteuert werden kann.
\nF\u00fcr einen noch wirtschaftlicheren Betrieb mit ausgezeichnetem Komfort steht folgendes Zubeh\u00f6r zur Verf\u00fcgung:
\n- ein Au\u00dfentemperaturf\u00fchler,
\n- ein Raumtemperaturregler,
\n- ein modulierender Raumtemperaturregler openTherm.

\nFloor-standing gas condensing boiler Twineo EGC \/ B200SSL is designed for heating and domestic hot water production via solar tank. Solar energy can meet up to 50% of domestic hot water requirements.
\nIn the same design as the boiler, the solar tank is placed beside the boiler and is fully equipped with control system and solar components. The delivery in 2 separate parts (boiler \/ tank) allows easy installation anywhere in the house.

\n\nGiving outstanding performances, the boiler :
\n- offers an efficiency up to 109%.
\n- ensures perfect adjustment output \/ needs thanks to burner modulation from 22 to 100%.
\n- provides heating and domestic hot water via inversion valve.
\n- is highly reactive and compact thanks to new monobloc aluminium silicium heat exchanger, industrial property of BDR Thermea group.
\n- equipped with a 3-speed pump for EGC 25 and a modulating class A pump for EGC 17-29 and a 12-litre expansion vessel.

\n\nThe boiler is fitted with the new Inicontrol control panel for single heating circuit and DHW control.
\nFor more savings with a high level of comfort, can be added :
\n- an outside sensor,
\n- a room thermostat,
\n- a modulating openTherm room thermostat.\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_fr":"

\nLa chaudi\u00e8re gaz \u00e0 condensation au sol Twineo EGC \/B200SSL est destin\u00e9e au chauffage et \u00e0 la production d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire par pr\u00e9parateur solaire. Le solaire pourra couvrir jusqu\u2019\u00e0 50% des besoins en eau chaude sanitaire. Le ballon solaire est enti\u00e8rement pr\u00e9-\u00e9quip\u00e9 avec r\u00e9gulation et groupe solaire. De m\u00eame design et juxtapos\u00e9 \u00e0 la chaudi\u00e8re, la chaudi\u00e8re Twineo EGC \/B200SSL offre une esth\u00e9tique soign\u00e9e. La livraison en 2 blocs s\u00e9par\u00e9s (chaudi\u00e8re \/ ballon) permet une installation plus facile en tout point de la maison.\n

\nDot\u00e9e de tr\u00e8s hautes performances, la chaudi\u00e8re :
\n- atteint un rendement jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%<\/strong>.
\n- garantit une parfaite adaptation de la puissance aux besoins gr\u00e2ce au br\u00fbleur modulant de 22 \u00e0 100%.<\/strong>
\n- g\u00e8re le chauffage et l\u2019eau chaude sanitaire par vanne d\u2019inversion.<\/strong>
\n- est ultra-r\u00e9active et compacte<\/strong>, gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe en fonte d\u2019aluminium silicium monobloc, de conception propre au groupe BDR Thermea.
\n- est \u00e9quip\u00e9e d\u2019une pompe 3 vitesses pour la EGC 25 et d'une pompe modulante de classe A pour la EGC 17-29 et d\u2019un vase d\u2019expansion de 12 litres.\n

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re est \u00e9quip\u00e9e du nouveau tableau de commande Inicontrol<\/strong> qui permet la commande directe du circuit de chauffage.
\nPour un fonctionnement plus \u00e9conomique tout en assurant un excellent niveau de confort, peuvent \u00eatre ajout\u00e9s\u00a0:
\n- une sonde ext\u00e9rieure,
\n- un thermostat d\u2019ambiance,
\n- un thermostat d\u2019ambiance modulant openTherm.\n<\/p>","details":"

\nTechnische Merkmale Twineo
EGC \/ B200SSL

\nLeistung 50\/30\u00b0C<\/strong>
von 5,6 bis 25,5 kW
H 1140 T 660 B 1200 mm
bis zu 109 %
\nSpezifischer Durchfluss<\/strong>
18 Liter \/ Min.
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung

\nTechnical specifications Twineo
EGC 25 \/ B200SSL:

\nOutput 50\/30\u00b0C<\/strong>
from 5,6 to 25,5 kW
\nDimensions <\/strong>
H 1140 W 1200 D 660 mm
\nControl system <\/strong>
\nEfficiency <\/strong>
up to 109%
\nSpecific flow rate <\/strong>
18 litres \/ min
chimney or forced flue

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques Twineo
EGC 25 \/ B200SSL

\nPuissance \u00e0 50\/30\u00b0C<\/strong>
de 5,6 \u00e0 25,5
H 1140 P P 660 L 1200 mm
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%
\nD\u00e9bit sp\u00e9cifique<\/strong>
18 litres \/ min
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse
EGC 25 und EGC 17-29","title_en":"Twineo
EGC 25 and EGC 17-29","title_fr":"Twineo
EGC 25 et EGC 17-29","beschreibung":"

\nDie Stand-Gas-Brennwertkessel Twineo EGC 25 und 17-29 dienen zur Heizung .

\n\nDer sehr leistungsstarke Heizkessel:
\n- erm\u00f6glicht einen Normnutzungsgrad bis zu 109 %.
\n- gew\u00e4hrleistet die perfekte Anpassung der Leistung an den Bedarf durch den modulierenden Brenner von 22 bis 100 %.
\n- steuert die Heizung und Warmwassererzeugung \u00fcber Umkehrventil.
\n- ist extrem reaktiv und kompakt durch den neuen Monoblock-W\u00e4rmetauscher aus Aluminium-Silizium, eine Eigenentwicklung der BDR Thermea Gruppe.
\n- verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine Pumpe mit 3 Geschwindigkeitsstufen f\u00fcr EGC 25 and modulierende A Klasse Pumpe f\u00fcr EGC 17-29 und ein Ausdehungsgef\u00e4\u00df von 12 Liter.

\n\nDer Heizkessel verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine neue Regelung Inicontrol, \u00fcber das der Heizkreislauf direkt gesteuert werden kann.
\nF\u00fcr einen noch wirtschaftlicheren Betrieb mit ausgezeichnetem Komfort steht folgendes Zubeh\u00f6r zur Verf\u00fcgung:
\n- ein Au\u00dfentemperaturf\u00fchler,
\n- ein Raumtemperaturregler,
\n- ein modulierender Raumtemperaturregler openTherm.

\nFloor-standing gas condensing boiler Twineo EGC are designed exclusively for heating.

\n\nGiving outstanding performances, the boiler :
\n- offers an efficiency up to 109%.
\n- ensures perfect adjustment output \/ needs thanks to burner modulation from 22 to 100%.
\n- provides heating and domestic hot water via inversion valve.
\n- is highly reactive and compact thanks to new monobloc aluminium silicium heat exchanger, industrial property of BDR Thermea group.
\n- equipped with a 3-speed pump for EGC 25 and a modulating class A pump for EGC 17-29 and a 12-litre expansion vessel.

\n\nThe boiler is fitted with the new Inicontrol control panel for single heating circuit and DHW control.
\nFor more savings with a high level of comfort, can be added :
\n- an outside sensor,
\n- a room thermostat,
\n- a modulating openTherm room thermostat.<\/p>\n","beschreibung_fr":"

\nLes chaudi\u00e8res \u00e0 condensation gaz au sol Twineo EGC 25 et 17-29 sont destin\u00e9es au chauffage seul.

\nDot\u00e9e de tr\u00e8s hautes performances, elle :
\n- atteint un rendement jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%.<\/strong>
\n- garantit une parfaite adaptation de la puissance aux besoins gr\u00e2ce au br\u00fbleur modulant de 22 \u00e0 100%.<\/strong>
\n- g\u00e8re le chauffage et l\u2019eau chaude sanitaire par vanne d\u2019inversion. La chaudi\u00e8re - est boost\u00e9e \u00e0 28 kW en mode sanitaire. <\/strong>
\n- est ultra-r\u00e9active et compacte<\/strong>., gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe en fonte d\u2019aluminium silicium monobloc, de conception propre au groupe BDR Thermea.
\n- est \u00e9quip\u00e9e d\u2019une pompe 3 vitesses pour la EGC 25 et d'une pompe modulante de classe A pour la EGC 17-29 et d\u2019un vase d\u2019expansion de 12 litres.
\nLa chaudi\u00e8re EGC 25 est \u00e9quip\u00e9e du nouveau tableau de commande Inicontrol. <\/strong>
\nPour un fonctionnement plus \u00e9conomique tout en assurant un excellent niveau de confort, peuvent \u00eatre ajout\u00e9s :
\n- une sonde ext\u00e9rieure,
\n- un thermostat d\u2019ambiance,
\n- un thermostat d\u2019ambiance modulant openTherm.

\nTechnische Merkmale Twineo
EGC 25 und EGC 17-29

\nLeistung 50\/30\u00b0C<\/strong>
von 5,6 bis 25,5 kW
H 840 T 660 B 600 mm
bis zu 109 %
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung

\nTechnical specifications Twineo
EGC 25 and EGC 17-29

\nOutput 50\/30\u00b0C<\/strong>
from 5,6 to 25,5 kW
\nDimensions <\/strong>
H 840 P 660 L 600 mm
\nControl system <\/strong>
\nEfficiency <\/strong>
up to 109%
chimney or forced flue

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques Twineo
EGC 25 et EGC 17-29 :

\n\nPuissance \u00e0 50\/30\u00b0C<\/strong>
de 5,6 \u00e0 25,5
H 840 W 600 D 660 mm
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse
\n<\/p>\n","vergleich_set_id":"0","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"main_product_id":"53","zusatz_product_id":"66","investition":"2","energieersparnis":"6","umwelt":"6","komfort":"0","image":"images\/set_68.png","image_big":"images\/set_big_68.png","image_compare":"images\/set_compare_68.png"},{"id":"69","title":"Modulens O
AFC \/ B220SHL","title_en":"Modulens O
AFC \/ B220SHL","title_fr":"Modulens O
AFC \/ B220SHL","beschreibung":"

\nDie Stand- \u00d6l-Brennwertsysteme der Reihe Modulens O bestehen aus 3 Modellen mit einer Leistung von 10,6 bis 30 kW.
\nSie dienen zur Heizung und Warmwassererzeugung mittels Solarspeicher. Der Solarspeicher kann bis zu 60% des Warmwasserbedarfs decken.
\nDer Solarspeicher verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine komplette Ausstattung. Die Einheit wird dem Heizkessel beigestellt. Sie ist identisch in der Ausfuehrung und attraktiv im Design. Die Lieferung in Form von 2 separaten Modulen (Heizkessel \/ Speicherbeh\u00e4lter) erm\u00f6glicht die Installation \u00fcberall im Haus.
\nMerkmale des emaillierten Solarspeichers B220SSL :
\n- Inhalt 220 Liter,
\n- gesch\u00fctzt durch eine wartungsfreie ACI-Anode,
\n- Ablassventil an der Unterseite,
\n- Umlaufschleife.

\n\nSpezifische Merkmale dieser Heizkessel:
\n- Normnutzumngsgrad bis zu 105 %.
\n- modulierender Brenner zwischen 59 und 100%
\n- NOx-Emissionen < 100 mg\/kWh.
\n- verbesserte Kompaktheit durch den neuen Monoblock-Waermetauscher aus Edelstahl.
\n- leistungsstarke Ausstattung: Pumpe der Klasse A, Ausdehungsgefaess von 18 Liter, \u00f6lfilter FloCo-Top, Entl\u00fcftungsventil und Sicherheitsventil.

\n\nDer Heizkessel Modulens O verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber die Regelung Diematic iSystem. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Regelung die ergonomisch, intuitiv, intelligent und systemorientiert ist.
\nSie erm\u00f6glicht die Steuerung der vielf\u00e4ltigen modernen Heizungsysteme: 2 Basiskreisl\u00e4ufe (3 als Option) f\u00fcr wandlungsf\u00e4hige Multi-Energie-Heizungsl\u00f6sungen. Sie bietet eine sehr einfache Navigation durch die Men\u00fcs und Klartext (besonders gro\u00dfes LCD-Display).\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_en":"

\nThe Modulens O floor-standing oil condensing boilers range is composed by 3 models, from 10,6 to 30 kW.
\nThey are designed for heating and domestic hot water production through solar tank. Solar energy can meet up to 60% of domestic hot water requirements.
\nThe tank is fully equipped with control system and solar components. In the same design and placed beside to the boiler, the unit has a nice appearance. The delivery in 2 parts (boiler \/ tank) allows easy installation anywhere in the house.
\n\nTechnical features of enamelled solar tank :
\n- 220 litres capacity,
\n- service-free protection through sefl adapting current anode ,
\n- drain tap,
\n- recirculation loop.

\n\nThese boilers offer the following outstanding features :
\n- efficiency up to 105%.
\n- burner modulating from 59 to 100%
\n- Nox emission < 100 mg\/kWh.
\n- compact sizes thanks to new stainless steel monobloc heating exchanger.
\n- fully equipped : Class A modulating pump, 18-litre expansion vessel, FloCo-Top oil filter, drain tap and safety valve.

\n\nThe Modulens O boiler is fitted with Diematic iSystem control panel with ergonomic, intuitive, smart and system-oriented operting.
\nIt allows to manage the full range of modern heating systems : 2 circuits, a third optional for upgradable, multi-energy heating solutions. It allows easy navigation and plain readings extra-wide LCD display).<\/p>\n","beschreibung_fr":"

\nLa gamme de chaudi\u00e8res gaz \u00e0 condensation au sol Modulens O est compos\u00e9e de 3 mod\u00e8les allant de 10,6 \u00e0 30 kW.
\nElles sont destin\u00e9es au chauffage et \u00e0 la production d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire par pr\u00e9parateur solaire. Le solaire pourra couvrir jusqu\u2019\u00e0 60% des besoins en eau chaude sanitaire.
\nLe ballon est enti\u00e8rement pr\u00e9-\u00e9quip\u00e9 avec r\u00e9gulation et groupe solaire. De m\u00eame design et juxtapos\u00e9 \u00e0 la chaudi\u00e8re, l\u2019ensemble offre une esth\u00e9tique soign\u00e9e. La livraison en 2 blocs (chaudi\u00e8re \/ ballon) facilite l\u2019installation en tout point de la maison.
\nCaract\u00e9ristique du ballon solaire \u00e9maill\u00e9 B220SSL :
\n- capacit\u00e9 de 220 litres,
\n- protection par une anode ACI, qui ne n\u00e9cessite pas d\u2019entretien,
\n- robinet de vidange en partie basse,
\n- boucle de recirculation.

\n\nCes chaudi\u00e8res se distinguent par :
\n- un rendement jusqu\u2019\u00e0 105%.
\n- br\u00fbleur modulant de 59 \u00e0 100%
\n- \u00e9missions des NOx < \u00e0 100 mg\/kWh.
\n- une compacit\u00e9 accrue <\/strong>gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe monobloc en acier inoxydable.
\n- un \u00e9quipement performant : pompe modulante de classe A, vase d\u2019expansion de 18 litres, filtre fioul FloCo-Top, purgeur et soupape de s\u00e9curit\u00e9.

\n\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re Modulens O est \u00e9quip\u00e9e de la r\u00e9gulation Diematic iSystem<\/strong> Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une r\u00e9gulation avec tableau de commande int\u00e9gr\u00e9 \u00e0 la fois ergonomique, intuitive, intelligente et orient\u00e9e syst\u00e8mes.
\nElle permet de g\u00e9rer la diversit\u00e9 des chauffages modernes : 2 circuits de base et 3 en option pour les solutions de chauffage \u00e9volutives et multi-\u00e9nergies. Elle offre une grande simplicit\u00e9 de navigation et de lecture (afficheur LCD extra-large). <\/p>\n","details":"

\nTechnische Merkmale des Modulens O AFC \/ B220SHL:

von 10,6 bis 30 kW
H 1200 T 660 B 1200 mm
Diematic iSystem
bis zu 105 %
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung

\nTechnical specifications of Modulens O AFC \/ B220SHL:

\nOutput <\/strong>
from 10,6 to 30 kW
\nDimensions <\/strong>
H 1200 D 660 L 1200 mm
\nControl system <\/strong>
Diematic iSystem
\nEfficiency <\/strong>
up to 105%
chimney or forced flue

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques de Modulens O \/ AFC B220SHL

de 10,6 \u00e0 30 kW
H 1200 P 660 L 1200
Diematic iSystem
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 105%
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse
\n<\/p>\n","vergleich_set_id":"0","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"main_product_id":"56","zusatz_product_id":"60","investition":"10","energieersparnis":"8","umwelt":"7","komfort":"7","image":"images\/set_69.png","image_big":"images\/set_big_69.png","image_compare":"images\/set_compare_69.png"},{"id":"70","title":"Modulens O
AFC \/ V100HL","title_en":"Modulens O
AFC \/ V100HL","title_fr":"Modulens O
AFC \/ V100HL","beschreibung":"

\nDie Stand- \u00d6l-Brennwertsysteme der Reihe Modulens O bestehen aus 3 Modellen mit einer Leistung von 10,6 bis 30 kW.
\nDer gleich konstruierte Heizkessel mit untergestelltem Speicher verringert den Platzbedarf und bietet ein sorgf\u00e4ltig entworfenes Design.
\nDer emaillierte Schichtenladespeicher (100 Liter) wird durch eine wartungsfreie ACI-Anode gesch\u00fctzt. Der Speicher verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber:
\n- ein Ablassventil an der Unterseite,
\n- Eine Umlaufschleife.
\nDie Lieferung in Form von 2 separaten Bl\u00f6cken (Heizkessel \/ Speicherbeh\u00e4lter) erm\u00f6glicht eine einfache Installation \u00fcberall im Haus.

\n\nSpezifische Merkmale dieser Heizkessel:
\n- Normnutzumngsgrad bis zu 105 %.
\n- modulierender Brenner zwischen 59 und 100%
\n- NOx-Emissionen < 100 mg\/kWh.
\n- verbesserte Kompaktheit durch den neuen Monoblock-Waermetauscher aus Edelstahl.
\n- leistungsstarke Ausstattung: Pumpe der Klasse A, Ausdehungsgefaess von 18 Liter, \u00f6lfilter FloCo-Top, Entl\u00fcftungsventil und Sicherheitsventil.

\n\nDer Heizkessel Modulens O verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber die Regelung Diematic iSystem. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Regelung die ergonomisch, intuitiv, intelligent und systemorientiert ist.
\nSie erm\u00f6glicht die Steuerung der vielf\u00e4ltigen modernen Heizungsysteme: 2 Basiskreisl\u00e4ufe (3 als Option) f\u00fcr wandlungsf\u00e4hige Multi-Energie-Heizungsl\u00f6sungen. Sie bietet eine sehr einfache Navigation durch die Men\u00fcs und Klartext (besonders gro\u00dfes LCD-Display).

\nThe Modulens O floor-standing oil condensing boilers range is composed by 3 models,from 10,6 to 30 kW. This boiler is based on the AFC floor-standing boiler complemented by a tank in the same design, placed underneath.

\n\nTechnical features of the stratification tank :
\n- service-free protection through self adapting current anode,
\n- drain tap,
\n- recirculation loop.

\n\nThe AFC \/ V100HL boiler occupies small footprint and has an elegant design. The delivery in 2 parts (boiler \/ tank) allows easy installation anywhere in the house.
\n\nThese boilers offer the following outstanding features :
\n- efficiency up to 105%.
\n- burner modulating from 59 to 100%
\n- Nox emission < 100 mg\/kWh.
\n- compact size thanks to new stainless steel monobloc heating exchanger.
\n- fully equipped : Class A modulating pump, 18-litre expansion vessel, FloCo-Top oil filter, drain tap and safety valve.

\n\nThe Modulens O boiler is fitted with Diematic iSystem control panel with ergonomic, intuitive, smart and system-oriented operating.
\nIt allows to manage the full range of modern heating systems : 2 circuits, a third optional for upgradable, multi-energy heating solutions. It allows easy navigation and plain readings (extra-wide LCD display).

\nLa gamme de chaudi\u00e8res gaz \u00e0 condensation au sol Modulens O est compos\u00e9e de 3 mod\u00e8les allant de 10,6 \u00e0 30 kW.
\nCe mod\u00e8le est construit sur base d'une chaudi\u00e8re sol associ\u00e9e \u00e0 un ballon de m\u00eame design, mont\u00e9e en version colonne. Le ballon \u00e9maill\u00e9 \u00e0 stratification d\u2019une capacit\u00e9 de 100 litres est prot\u00e9g\u00e9 par une anode ACI, qui ne n\u00e9cessite pas d\u2019entretien.
\nLe ballon est \u00e9quip\u00e9 :
\n- d\u2019un robinet de vidange en partie basse,
\n- d\u2019une boucle de recirculation.
\nLa chaudi\u00e8re AFC \/ V100HL permet une occupation au sol r\u00e9duite et offre une esth\u00e9tique soign\u00e9e. La livraison en 2 blocs (chaudi\u00e8re \/ ballon) facilite l\u2019installation en tout point de la maison.
\n\nCes chaudi\u00e8res se distinguent par :
\n- un rendement jusqu\u2019\u00e0 105%.
\n- br\u00fbleur modulant de 59 \u00e0 100%
\n- \u00e9missions des NOx < \u00e0 100 mg\/kWh.
\n- une compacit\u00e9 accrue <\/strong> gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe monobloc en acier inoxydable.
\n- un \u00e9quipement performant : pompe modulante de classe A, vase d\u2019expansion de 18 litres, filtre fioul FloCo-Top, purgeur et soupape de s\u00e9curit\u00e9.

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re Modulens O est \u00e9quip\u00e9e de la r\u00e9gulation Diematic iSystem. <\/strong> Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une r\u00e9gulation avec tableau de commande int\u00e9gr\u00e9 \u00e0 la fois ergonomique, intuitive, intelligente et orient\u00e9e syst\u00e8mes.
\nElle permet de g\u00e9rer la diversit\u00e9 des chauffages modernes : 2 circuits de base et 3 en option pour les solutions de chauffage \u00e9volutives et multi-\u00e9nergies. Elle offre une grande simplicit\u00e9 de navigation et de lecture (afficheur LCD extra-large).\n<\/p>\n","details":"

\nTechnische Merkmale des Modulens O AFC \/ V100HL:

von 10,6 bis 30 kW
H 1700 T 660 B 600 mm
Diematic iSystem
bis zu 105 %
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung

\nTechnical specifications of Modulens O AFC \/ V100HL:

\nOutput <\/strong>
from 10,6 to 30 kW
\nDimensions <\/strong>
H 1700 W 600 D 660 mm
\nControl system <\/strong>
Diematic iSystem
\nEfficiency <\/strong>
up to 105%
chimney or forced flue

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques de Modulens O AFC \/ V100HL :

de 10,6 \u00e0 30 kW
H 1700 P 660 L 600 mm
Diematic iSystem
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 105%
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse
\n<\/p>\n","vergleich_set_id":"0","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"main_product_id":"55","zusatz_product_id":"63","investition":"8","energieersparnis":"7","umwelt":"6","komfort":"8","image":"images\/set_70.png","image_big":"images\/set_big_70.png","image_compare":"images\/set_compare_70.png"},{"id":"71","title":"Modulens O
AFC \/ B160SL","title_en":"Modulens O
AFC \/ B160SL","title_fr":"Modulens O
AFC \/ B160SL","beschreibung":"

\nDie Stand- \u00d6l-Brennwertsysteme der Reihe Modulens O bestehen aus 3 Modellen mit einer Leistung von 10,6 bis 30 kW.
\nDieses Modell wurde auf Grundlage des auf dem Boden aufgestellten Heizkessels in Verbindung mit einem Speicher desselben Designs konstruiert, neben dem Kessel montiert.
\nDer emaillierte Warmwasserspeicher mit 1 Glatrohrtauscher (160 Litern) wird durch eine wartungsfreie Zwangsstrom-Anode (ACI-Anode) gesch\u00fctzt. Er verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber:
\n- ein Ablassventil an der Unterseite,
\n- eine Umlaufschleife.

\nDer Heizkessel AFC \/ B160SL ist atraktiv im Design. Die Lieferung in Form von 2 separaten Bl\u00f6cken (Heizkessel \/ Speicherbeh\u00e4lter) erm\u00f6glicht eine einfache Installation \u00fcberall im Haus.

\n\nSpezifische Merkmale dieser Heizkessel:
\n- Normnutzumngsgrad bis zu 105 %.
\n- modulierender Brenner zwischen 59 und 100%
\n- NOx-Emissionen < 100 mg\/kWh.
\n- verbesserte Kompaktheit durch den neuen Monoblock-Waermetauscher aus Edelstahl.
\n- leistungsstarke Ausstattung: Pumpe der Klasse A, Ausdehungsgefaess von 18 Liter, \u00f6lfilter FloCo-Top, Entl\u00fcftungsventil und Sicherheitsventil.

\n\nDer Heizkessel Modulens O verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber die Regelung Diematic iSystem. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Regelung die ergonomisch, intuitiv, intelligent und systemorientiert ist.
\nSie erm\u00f6glicht die Steuerung der vielf\u00e4ltigen modernen Heizungsysteme: 2 Basiskreisl\u00e4ufe (3 als Option) f\u00fcr wandlungsf\u00e4hige Multi-Energie-Heizungsl\u00f6sungen. Sie bietet eine sehr einfache Navigation durch die Men\u00fcs und Klartext (besonders gro\u00dfes LCD-Display).

\nThe Modulens O floor-standing oil condensing boilers range is composed by 3 models, from 10,6 to 30 kW. This execution is based on the floor-standing boiler complemented by a tank with a coil heat exchanger in the same design, placed beside.

\n\nTechnical features of the tank :
\n- service-free protection through sefl adapting current anode ,
\n- drain tap,
\n- recirculation loop.

\n\nThe AFC \/ B160SL boiler has an elegant design.
\nThe delivery in 2 parts (boiler \/ tank) allows easy installation anywhere in the house.

\n\nThese boilers offer the following outstanding features :
\n- efficiency up to 105%.
\n- burner modulating from 59 to 100%
\n- Nox emission < 100 mg\/kWh.
\n- compact size thanks to new stainless steel monobloc heating exchanger.
\n- fully equipped : Class A modulating pump, 18-litre expansion vessel, FloCo-Top oil filter, drain tap and safety valve.

\n\nThe Modulens O boiler is fitted with Diematic iSystem control panel with ergonomic, intuitive, smart and system-oriented operating.
\nIt allows to manage the full range of modern heating systems : 2 circuits, a third optional for upgradable, multi-energy heating solutions. It allows easy navigation and plain readings (extra-wide LCD display).

\nLa gamme de chaudi\u00e8res gaz \u00e0 condensation au sol Modulens O est compos\u00e9e de 3 mod\u00e8les allant de 10,6 \u00e0 30 kW.
\nCe mod\u00e8le est contruit sur base de la chaudi\u00e8re sol associ\u00e9e \u00e0 un ballon de m\u00eame design, juxtapos\u00e9 \u00e0 la chaudi\u00e8re. Le ballon \u00e9maill\u00e9 \u00e0 serpentin d\u2019une capacit\u00e9 de 160 litres est prot\u00e9g\u00e9 par une anode \u00e0 courant impos\u00e9 (ACI) qui ne n\u00e9cessite pas d\u2019entretien. Il est \u00e9quip\u00e9 :

\n- d\u2019un robinet de vidange en partie basse,
\n- d\u2019une boucle de recirculation.

\nLa chaudi\u00e8re AFC \/ B160SL offre une esth\u00e9tique soign\u00e9e. La livraison en 2 blocs (chaudi\u00e8re \/ ballon) facilite l\u2019installation en tout point de la maison.

\n\nCes chaudi\u00e8res se distinguent par :
\n- un rendement jusqu\u2019\u00e0 105%.
\n- br\u00fbleur modulant de 59 \u00e0 100%
\n- \u00e9missions des NOx < \u00e0 100 mg\/kWh.
\n- une compacit\u00e9 accrue <\/strong>gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe monobloc en acier inoxydable.
\n- un \u00e9quipement performant : pompe modulante de classe A, vase d\u2019expansion de 18 litres, filtre fioul FloCo-Top, purgeur et soupape de s\u00e9curit\u00e9.

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re Modulens O est \u00e9quip\u00e9e de la r\u00e9gulation Diematic iSystem. <\/strong> Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une r\u00e9gulation avec tableau de commande int\u00e9gr\u00e9 \u00e0 la fois ergonomique, intuitive, intelligente et orient\u00e9e syst\u00e8mes.
\nElle permet de g\u00e9rer la diversit\u00e9 des chauffages modernes : 2 circuits de base et 3 en option pour les solutions de chauffage \u00e9volutives et multi-\u00e9nergies. Elle offre une grande simplicit\u00e9 de navigation et de lecture.\n<\/p>\n","details":"

\nTechnische Merkmale des Modulens O
AFC \/ B160SL:

von 10,6 bis 30 kW
Diematic iSystem
bis zu 105 %
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung

\nTechnical specifications of Modulens O AFC \/ B160SL:

\nOutput <\/strong>
from 10,6 to 30 kW
\nDimensions <\/strong>
H 1140 D 660 L 1200 mm
\nControl system <\/strong>
Diematic iSystem
\nEfficiency <\/strong>
up to 105%
chimney or forced flue

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques de Modulens O AFC \/ B160SL

de 10,6 \u00e0 30 kW
H 1140 W 1200 D 660 mm
Diematic iSystem
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 105%
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse
\n<\/p>\n","vergleich_set_id":"0","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"main_product_id":"55","zusatz_product_id":"64","investition":"8","energieersparnis":"7","umwelt":"6","komfort":"7","image":"images\/set_71.png","image_big":"images\/set_big_71.png","image_compare":"images\/set_compare_71.png"},{"id":"72","title":"Modulens G
AGC \/ V220SHL","title_en":"Modulens G
AGC \/ V220SHL","title_fr":"Modulens G
AGC \/ V220SHL","beschreibung":"

\nDie Stand- Gas-Brennwertsysteme der Reihe Modulens G bestehen aus Modellen mit einer Leistung von 3,4 bis 35,9 kW.
\nSie dienen zur Heizung und Warmwassererzeugung mittels Solarspeicher. Der Solarspeicher kann bis zu 60% des Warmwasserbedarfs decken.
\nDer Solarspeicher verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine komplette Vorausstattung. Der gleich konstruierte Heizkessel AGC \/ V200SHL mit untergestelltem Speicher verringert den Platzbedarf und ist attraktiv im Design. Die Lieferung in Form von 2 separaten Bl\u00f6cken (Heizkessel \/ Speicherbeh\u00e4lter) erm\u00f6glicht die Installation \u00fcberall im Haus.

\nMerkmale des emaillierten Solarspeichers V 220 SHL:
\n- Inhalt 220 Liter,
\n- gesch\u00fctzt durch eine wartungsfreie ACI-Anode,
\n- Ablassventil an der Unterseite,
\n- Umlaufschleife.

\n\nDie spezifischen Merkmale des Heizkessels sind:
\n- erm\u00f6glicht einen Normnutzungsgrad bis zu 109 %.
\n- gew\u00e4hrleistet die perfekte Anpassung der Leistung an den Bedarf durch den modulierenden Brenner von 22 bis 100 %.
\n- ist extrem reaktiv und kompakt durch den neuen Monoblock-W\u00e4rmetauscher aus Aluminium-Silizium, eine Eigenentwicklung der BDR Thermea Gruppe.
\n- verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine regulierende Pumpe der Klasse A, und ein Ausdehungsgef\u00e4\u00df von 18 Liter.

\n\nDer Heizkessel Modulens G verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber die Regelung Diematic iSystem. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Regelung die ergonomisch, intuitiv, intelligent und systemorientiert ist.
\nSie erm\u00f6glicht die Steuerung der vielf\u00e4ltigen modernen Heizungsysteme: 2 Basiskreisl\u00e4ufe (3 als Option) f\u00fcr wandlungsf\u00e4hige Multi-Energie-Heizungsl\u00f6sungen. Sie bietet eine sehr einfache Navigation durch die Men\u00fcs und Klartext (besonders gro\u00dfes LCD-Display).\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_en":"

\nThe Modulens G floor-standing gas condensing boilers range is composed by 3 models, from 3,4 to 35,9 kW.
\nThey are designed for heating and domestic hot water production through solar tank. Solar energy can meet up to 60% of domestic hot water needs.
\nThe stratification tank with solar coil heat exchanger is fully equipped with control system and solar components. In the same design and placed underneath, the unit has a nice appearance. The delivery in 2 parts (boiler \/ tank) allows easy installation anywhere in the house.

\n\nTechnical features of solar tank:
\n- 220 litres capacity,
\n- service-free protection through self adapting current anode,
\n- drain tap,
\n- recirculation loop.

\n\nTechnical features of the boiler:
\n- efficiency up to 109%.
\n- ensures perfect adjustment output \/ needs thanks to burner modulation from 22% to 100%.
\n- provides heating and domestic hot water via inversion valve.
\n- is highly reactive and compact thanks to new monobloc aluminium silicium heat exchanger, industrial property of BDR Thermea group.
\n- fully equipped: A class modulating pump, 18-litre expansion vessel, safety valve, air vent.

\n\nThe Modulens G boiler is fitted with Diematic iSystem control panel with ergonomic, intuitive, smart and system-oriented operating.
\nIt allows to manage the full range of modern heating systems : 2 circuits, a third optional for upgradable, multi-energy heating solutions. It allows easy navigation and plain readings (extra-wide LCD display).\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_fr":"

\nLa gamme de chaudi\u00e8res gaz \u00e0 condensation au sol Modulens G est compos\u00e9e de mod\u00e8les allant de 3,4 \u00e0 35,9 kW .
\nElles sont destin\u00e9es au chauffage et \u00e0 la production d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire par pr\u00e9parateur solaire. Le solaire pourra couvrir jusqu\u2019\u00e0 60% des besoins en eau chaude sanitaire. <\/strong>
\nLe ballon est enti\u00e8rement pr\u00e9-\u00e9quip\u00e9 avec r\u00e9gulation et groupe solaire. De m\u00eame design et mont\u00e9 en colonne, la chaudi\u00e8re AGC \/ V200SHL permet une occupation au sol r\u00e9duite et offre une esth\u00e9tique soign\u00e9e. La livraison en 2 blocs (chaudi\u00e8re \/ ballon) facilit\u00e9 l\u2019installation en tout point de la maison.
\nCaract\u00e9ristiques du ballon solaire \u00e9maill\u00e9 :
\n- capacit\u00e9 de 220 litres,
\n- protection par une anode ACI, qui ne n\u00e9cessite pas d\u2019entretien,
\n- robinet de vidange en partie basse,
\n- boucle de recirculation.

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re se distingue par :
\n- un excellent rendement, jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%.
\n- une parfaite adaptation de la puissance aux besoins gr\u00e2ce au br\u00fbleur modulant de 22 \u00e0 100%.<\/strong>
\n- une compacit\u00e9 et un comportement ultra-r\u00e9actif <\/strong>gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe en fonte d\u2019aluminium silicium monobloc, de conception propre au groupe BDR Thermea.
\n- un \u00e9quipement performant : \u00e9clairage int\u00e9rieur, vanne d\u2019inversion, pompe modulante de classe A, vase d\u2019expansion de 18 litres.

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re Modulens G est \u00e9quip\u00e9e de la r\u00e9gulation Diematic iSystem. <\/strong> Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une r\u00e9gulation avec tableau de commande int\u00e9gr\u00e9 \u00e0 la fois ergonomique, intuitive, intelligente et orient\u00e9e syst\u00e8mes.
\nElle permet de g\u00e9rer la diversit\u00e9 des chauffages modernes : 2 circuits de base et 3 en option pour les solutions de chauffage \u00e9volutives et multi-\u00e9nergies. Elle offre une grande simplicit\u00e9 de navigation et de lecture (afficheur LCD extra-large).\n<\/p>\n","details":"

\nTechnische Merkmale des Modulens G
AGC \/ V220SHL:

von 3,4 bis 35,9 kW
H 1966 T 660 B 600 mm
Diematic iSystem
bis zu 109 %
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung

\nTechnical specifications of Modulens G
AGC \/ V220SHL:

\nOutput <\/strong>
from 3,4 to 35,9 kW
\nDimensions <\/strong>
H 1966 W 600 D 660 mm
\nControl system <\/strong>
Diematic iSystem
\nEfficiency <\/strong>
up to 109%
chimney or forced flue

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques de Modulens G
AGC \/ V220SHL

de 3,4 \u00e0 35,9 kW
H 1966 P 660 L 600 mm
Diematic iSystem
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse
\n<\/p>\n","vergleich_set_id":"0","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"main_product_id":"54","zusatz_product_id":"61","investition":"7","energieersparnis":"9","umwelt":"9","komfort":"7","image":"images\/set_72.png","image_big":"images\/set_big_72.png","image_compare":"images\/set_compare_72.png"},{"id":"73","title":"Modulens G
AGC \/ B220SHL","title_en":"Modulens G
AGC \/ B220SHL","title_fr":"Modulens G
AGC \/ B220SHL","beschreibung":"

\nDie Stand- Gas-Brennwertsysteme der Reihe Modulens G bestehen aus Modellen mit einer Leistung von 3,4 bis 35,9 kW.
\nSie dienen zur Heizung und Warmwassererzeugung mittels Solarspeicher. Der Solarspeicher kann bis zu 60% des Warmwasserbedarfs decken.
\nDer Solarspeicher verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine komplette Vorausstattung. Die Einheit wird dem Heizkessel beigestellt. Sie ist identisch in der Ausfuehrung und attraktiv im Design. Die Lieferung in Form von 2 separaten Bl\u00f6cken (Heizkessel \/ Speicherbeh\u00e4lter) erm\u00f6glicht die Installation \u00fcberall im Haus.

\n\nMerkmale des Solarspeichers:
\n- Inhalt 220 Liter,
\n- gesch\u00fctzt durch eine wartungsfreie ACI-Anode,
\n- Ablassventil an der Unterseite,
\n- Umlaufschleife.

\n\nDie spezifischen Merkmale des Heizkessels:
\n- erm\u00f6glicht einen Normnutzungsgrad bis zu 109 %.
\n- gew\u00e4hrleistet die perfekte Anpassung der Leistung an den Bedarf durch den modulierenden Brenner von 22 bis 100 %.
\n- ist extrem reaktiv und kompakt durch den neuen Monoblock-W\u00e4rmetauscher aus Aluminium-Silizium, eine Eigenentwicklung der BDR Thermea Gruppe.
\n- verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine regulierende Pumpe der Klasse A, und ein Ausdehungsgef\u00e4\u00df von 18 Liter.

\n\nDer Heizkessel Modulens G verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber die Regelung Diematic iSystem. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Regelung die ergonomisch, intuitiv, intelligent und systemorientiert ist.
\nSie erm\u00f6glicht die Steuerung der vielf\u00e4ltigen modernen Heizungsysteme: 2 Basiskreisl\u00e4ufe (3 als Option) f\u00fcr wandlungsf\u00e4hige Multi-Energie-Heizungsl\u00f6sungen. Sie bietet eine sehr einfache Navigation durch die Men\u00fcs und Klartext (besonders gro\u00dfes LCD-Display).

\nThe Modulens G floor-standing gas condensing boilers range is composed by 3 models, from 3,4 to 35,9 kW.
\nThey are designed for heating and domestic hot water production through solar tank. Solar energy can meet up to 60% of domestic hot water needs.
\nThe stratification tank with solar coil heat exchanger is fully equipped with control system and solar components. In the same design and placed beside, the unit has a nice appearance. The delivery in 2 parts (boiler \/ tank) allows easy installation anywhere in the house.

\n\nTechnical features of solar tank:
\n- 220 litres capacity,
\n- service-free protection through self adapting current anode ,
\n- drain tap,
\n- recirculation loop.

\n\nTechnical features of the boiler:
\n- efficiency up to 109%.
\n- ensures perfect adjustment output \/ needs thanks to burner modulation from 22% to 100%.
\n- provides heating and domestic hot water via inversion valve.
\n- is highly reactive and compact thanks to new monobloc aluminium silicium heat exchanger, industrial property of BDR Thermea group.
\n- fully equipped: A class modulating pump, 18-litre expansion vessel, safety valve, air vent.

\n\nThe Modulens G boiler is fitted with Diematic iSystem control panel with ergonomic, intuitive, smart and system-oriented operating.
\nIt allows to manage the full range of modern heating systems\u00a0: 2 circuits, a third optional for upgradable, multi-energy heating solutions. It allows easy navigation and plain readings (extra-wide LCD display).\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_fr":"

\nLa gamme de chaudi\u00e8res gaz \u00e0 condensation au sol Modulens G est compos\u00e9e de mod\u00e8les allant de 3,4 \u00e0 35,9 kW.
\nElles sont destin\u00e9es au chauffage et \u00e0 la production d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire par pr\u00e9parateur solaire. Le solaire pourra couvrir jusqu\u2019\u00e0 60% des besoins en eau chaude sanitaire. <\/strong>
\nLe ballon est enti\u00e8rement pr\u00e9-\u00e9quip\u00e9 avec r\u00e9gulation et groupe solaire. De m\u00eame design et juxtapos\u00e9 \u00e0 la chaudi\u00e8re, l\u2019ensemble offre une esth\u00e9tique soign\u00e9e. La livraison en 2 blocs (chaudi\u00e8re \/ ballon) facilit\u00e9 l\u2019installation en tout point de la maison.
\nCaract\u00e9ristiques du ballon solaire \u00e9maill\u00e9:
\n- capacit\u00e9 de 220 litres,
\n- protection par une anode ACI, qui ne n\u00e9cessite pas d\u2019entretien,
\n- robinet de vidange en partie basse,
\n- boucle de recirculation.

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re se distingue par :
\n- un excellent rendement, jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%.
\n- une parfaite adaptation de la puissance aux besoins gr\u00e2ce au br\u00fbleur modulant de 22 \u00e0 100%.<\/strong>
\n- une compacit\u00e9 et un comportement ultra-r\u00e9actif <\/strong>gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe en fonte d\u2019aluminium silicium monobloc, de conception propre au groupe BDR Thermea.
\n- un \u00e9quipement performant : \u00e9clairage int\u00e9rieur, vanne d\u2019inversion, pompe modulante de classe A, vase d\u2019expansion de 18 litres.

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re Modulens G est \u00e9quip\u00e9e de la r\u00e9gulation Diematic iSystem. <\/strong> Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une r\u00e9gulation avec tableau de commande int\u00e9gr\u00e9 \u00e0 la fois ergonomique, intuitive, intelligente et orient\u00e9e syst\u00e8mes.
\nElle permet de g\u00e9rer la diversit\u00e9 des chauffages modernes : 2 circuits de base et 3 en option pour les solutions de chauffage \u00e9volutives et multi-\u00e9nergies. Elle offre une grande simplicit\u00e9 de navigation et de lecture.\n<\/p>\n","details":"

\nTechnische Merkmale des Modulens G
AGC \/ B220SHL:

von 3,4 bis 35,9 kW
H 1140 T 660 B 1200 mm
Diematic iSystem
bis zu 109 %
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung

\nTechnical specifications of Modulens G
AGC \/ B220SHL:

\nOutput <\/strong>
from 3,4 to 35,9 kW
\nDimensions <\/strong>
H 1140 W 1200 D 660 mm
\nControl system <\/strong>
Diematic iSystem
\nEfficiency <\/strong>
up to 109%
chimney or forced flue

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques de Modulens G
AGC \/ B220SHL

de 3,4 \u00e0 35,9 kW
H 1140 P P 660 L 1200 mm
Diematic iSystem
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse
\n<\/p>\n","vergleich_set_id":"0","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"main_product_id":"54","zusatz_product_id":"60","investition":"7","energieersparnis":"9","umwelt":"9","komfort":"7","image":"images\/set_73.png","image_big":"images\/set_big_73.png","image_compare":"images\/set_compare_73.png"},{"id":"74","title":"Modulens G
AGC \/ V100HL","title_en":"Modulens G
AGC \/ V100HL","title_fr":"Modulens G
AGC \/ V100HL","beschreibung":"

\nDie Stand- Gas-Brennwertsysteme der Reihe Modulens G bestehen aus 4 Modellen mit einer Leistung von 3,4 bis 35,9 kW.
\nSie dienen zur Heizung und Warmwassererzeugung. Der gleich konstruierte Heizkessel mit untergestelltem Speicher verringert den Platzbedarf und bietet ein sorgf\u00e4ltig entworfenes Design.
\nDer emaillierte Schichtenladespeicher (100 Liter) wird durch eine wartungsfreie ACI-Anode gesch\u00fctzt. Der Speicher verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber:
\n- ein Ablassventil an der Unterseite,
\n- eine Umlaufschleife.
\nDie Lieferung in Form von 2 separaten Bl\u00f6cken (Heizkessel \/ Speicherbeh\u00e4lter) erm\u00f6glicht eine einfache Installation \u00fcberall im Haus.

\n\nDie spezifischen Merkmale des Heizkessels:
\n- erm\u00f6glicht einen Normnutzungsgrad bis zu 109 %.
\n- gew\u00e4hrleistet die perfekte Anpassung der Leistung an den Bedarf durch den modulierenden Brenner von 22 bis 100 %.
\n- ist extrem reaktiv und kompakt durch den neuen Monoblock-W\u00e4rmetauscher aus Aluminium-Silizium, eine Eigenentwicklung der BDR Thermea Gruppe.
\n- verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine regulierende Pumpe der Klasse A, und ein Ausdehungsgef\u00e4\u00df von 18 Liter.

\n\nDer Heizkessel Modulens G verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber die Regelung Diematic iSystem. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Regelung die ergonomisch, intuitiv, intelligent und systemorientiert ist.
\nSie erm\u00f6glicht die Steuerung der vielf\u00e4ltigen modernen Heizungsysteme: 2 Basiskreisl\u00e4ufe (3 als Option) f\u00fcr wandlungsf\u00e4hige Multi-Energie-Heizungsl\u00f6sungen. Sie bietet eine sehr einfache Navigation durch die Men\u00fcs und Klartext (besonders gro\u00dfes LCD-Display).\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_en":"

\nThe Modulens G floor-standing gas condensing boilers range is composed by 4 models, from 3,4 to 35,9 kW.
\nThey are designed for heating and domestic hot water production through high efficiency 100-litres stratification tank.
\nThe stratification tank is fully equipped. In the same design and placed underneath the boiler, the unit has a nice appearance and reduced footprint. The delivery in 2 parts (boiler \/ tank) allows easy installation anywhere in the house.

\n\nTechnical features of the stratification tank :
\n- service-free protection through self adapting current anode,
\n- drain tap,
\n- recirculation loop.

\n\nTechnical features of the boiler:
\n- efficiency up to 109%.
\n- ensures perfect adjustment output \/ needs thanks to burner modulation from 22% to 100%.
\n- provides heating and domestic hot water via inversion valve.
\n- is highly reactive and compact thanks to new monobloc aluminium silicium heat exchanger, industrial property of BDR Thermea group.
\n- fully equipped: A class modulating pump, 18-litre expansion vessel, safety valve, air vent.

\n\nThe Modulens G boiler is fitted with Diematic iSystem control panel with ergonomic, intuitive, smart and system-oriented operating.
\nIt allows to manage the full range of modern heating systems : 2 circuits, a third optional for upgradable, multi-energy heating solutions. It allows easy navigation and plain readings (extra-wide LCD display).\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_fr":"

\nLa gamme de chaudi\u00e8res gaz \u00e0 condensation au sol Modulens G est compos\u00e9e de 4 mod\u00e8les allant de 3,4 \u00e0 35,9 kW.
\nCe mod\u00e8le est construit sur base d'une chaudi\u00e8re sol associ\u00e9e \u00e0 un ballon de m\u00eame design, mont\u00e9e en version colonne. Le ballon \u00e9maill\u00e9 \u00e0 stratification d\u2019une capacit\u00e9 de 100 litres est prot\u00e9g\u00e9 par une anode ACI, qui ne n\u00e9cessite pas d\u2019entretien.

\nLe ballon est \u00e9quip\u00e9 :
\n- d\u2019un robinet de vidange en partie basse,
\n- d\u2019une boucle de recirculation.
\nLa chaudi\u00e8re AGC \/ V100HL permet une occupation au sol r\u00e9duite et offre une esth\u00e9tique soign\u00e9e. La livraison en 2 blocs (chaudi\u00e8re \/ ballon) facilite l\u2019installation en tout point de la maison.

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re se distingue par :
\n- un excellent rendement, jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%.
\n- une parfaite adaptation de la puissance aux besoins gr\u00e2ce au br\u00fbleur modulant de 22 \u00e0 100%.<\/strong>
\n- une compacit\u00e9 et un comportement ultra-r\u00e9actif <\/strong>gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe en fonte d\u2019aluminium silicium monobloc, de conception propre au groupe BDR Thermea.
\n- un \u00e9quipement performant : \u00e9clairage int\u00e9rieur, vanne d\u2019inversion, pompe modulante de classe A, vase d\u2019expansion de 18 litres.

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re Modulens G est \u00e9quip\u00e9e de la r\u00e9gulation Diematic iSystem. <\/strong> Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une r\u00e9gulation avec tableau de commande int\u00e9gr\u00e9 \u00e0 la fois ergonomique, intuitive, intelligente et orient\u00e9e syst\u00e8mes.
\nElle permet de g\u00e9rer la diversit\u00e9 des chauffages modernes : 2 circuits de base et 3 en option pour les solutions de chauffage \u00e9volutives et multi-\u00e9nergies. Elle offre une grande simplicit\u00e9 de navigation et de lecture (afficheur LCD extra-large).\n<\/p>\n","details":"

\nTechnische Merkmale des Heizkessels Modulens G
AGC \/ V100HL:

von 3,4 bis 35,9 kW
H 1408 T 660 B 600 mm
Diematic iSystem
bis zu 109 %
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung

\nTechnical specifications of Modulens G
AGC \/ V100HL:

\nOutput <\/strong>
from 3,4 to 35,9 kW
\nDimensions <\/strong>
H1408 W 600 D 660 mm
\nControl system <\/strong>
Diematic iSystem
\nEfficiency <\/strong>
up to 109%
chimney or forced flue

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques de Modulens G
AGC \/ V100HL
de 3,4 \u00e0 35,9 kW
H 1408 P 660 L 600 mm
Diematic iSystem
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse
\n<\/p>\n","vergleich_set_id":"0","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"main_product_id":"53","zusatz_product_id":"63","investition":"5","energieersparnis":"7","umwelt":"6","komfort":"8","image":"images\/set_74.png","image_big":"images\/set_big_74.png","image_compare":"images\/set_compare_74.png"},{"id":"75","title":"Modulens G
AGC \/ B160SL","title_en":"Modulens G
AGC \/ B160SL","title_fr":"Modulens G
AGC \/ B160SL","beschreibung":"

\nDie Stand- Gas-Brennwertsysteme der Reihe Modulens G besteht aus 4 Modellen mit einer Leistung von 3,4 bis 35,9 kW
\nDieses Modell wurde auf Grundlage des auf dem Boden aufgestellten Heizkessels in Verbindung mit einem Speicher desselben Designs konstruiert, neben dem Kessel montiert.

\n\nDer emaillierte Warmwasserspeicher mit Glatrohrtauscher (160 Litern) wird durch eine wartungsfreie Zwangsstrom-Anode (ACI-Anode) gesch\u00fctzt. Er verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber:
\n- ein Ablassventil an der Unterseite,
\n- eine Umlaufschleife.
\nDer Heizkessel AGC \/ B160SL ist attraktiv im Design. Die Lieferung in Form von 2 separaten Bl\u00f6cken (Heizkessel \/ Speicherbeh\u00e4lter) erm\u00f6glicht eine einfache Installation \u00fcberall im Haus.

\n\nDie spezifischen Merkmale des Heizkessels:
\n- erm\u00f6glicht einen Normnutzungsgrad bis zu 109 %.
\n- gew\u00e4hrleistet die perfekte Anpassung der Leistung an den Bedarf durch den modulierenden Brenner von 22 bis 100 %.
\n- ist extrem reaktiv und kompakt durch den neuen Monoblock-W\u00e4rmetauscher aus Aluminium-Silizium, eine Eigenentwicklung der BDR Thermea Gruppe.
\n- verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine regulierende Pumpe der Klasse A, und ein Ausdehungsgef\u00e4\u00df von 18 Liter.

\n\nDer Heizkessel Modulens G verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber die Regelung Diematic iSystem. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Regelung die ergonomisch, intuitiv, intelligent und systemorientiert ist.
\nSie erm\u00f6glicht die Steuerung der vielf\u00e4ltigen modernen Heizungsysteme: 2 Basiskreisl\u00e4ufe (3 als Option) f\u00fcr wandlungsf\u00e4hige Multi-Energie-Heizungsl\u00f6sungen. Sie bietet eine sehr einfache Navigation durch die Men\u00fcs und Klartext (besonders gro\u00dfes LCD-Display). \n

\nThe Modulens G floor-standing gas condensing boilers range is composed by 3 models, from 3,4 to 35,9 kW.
\nThey are designed for heating and domestic hot water production through 160-litres tank with coil heat exchanger in the same design. Placed beside the boiler, the unit has a nice appearance. The delivery in 2 parts (boiler \/ tank) allows easy installation anywhere in the house.

\n\nTechnical features of the tank :
\n- service-free protection through self adapting current anode,
\n- drain tap,
\n- recirculation loop.

\n\nTechnical features of the boiler:
\n- efficiency up to 109%.
\n- ensures perfect adjustment output \/ needs thanks to burner modulation from 22% to 100%.
\n- provides heating and domestic hot water via inversion valve.
\n- is highly reactive and compact thanks to new monobloc aluminium silicium heat exchanger, industrial property of BDR Thermea group.
\n- fully equipped: A class modulating pump, 18-litre expansion vessel, safety valve, air vent.

\n\nThe Modulens G boiler is fitted with Diematic iSystem control panel with ergonomic, intuitive, smart and system-oriented operating.
\nIt allows to manage the full range of modern heating systems : 2 circuits, a third optional for upgradable, multi-energy heating solutions. It allows easy navigation and plain readings (extra-wide LCD display).\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_fr":"

\nLa gamme de chaudi\u00e8res gaz \u00e0 condensation au sol Modulens G est compos\u00e9e de 4 mod\u00e8les allant de 3,4 \u00e0 35,9 kW.
\nCe mod\u00e8le est construit sur base de la chaudi\u00e8re sol AGC associ\u00e9e \u00e0 un ballon de m\u00eame design, juxtapos\u00e9 \u00e0 la chaudi\u00e8re. Le ballon \u00e9maill\u00e9 \u00e0 serpentin d\u2019une capacit\u00e9 de 160 litres est prot\u00e9g\u00e9 par une anode \u00e0 courant impos\u00e9 (ACI) qui ne n\u00e9cessite pas d\u2019entretien. Il est \u00e9quip\u00e9 :
\n- d\u2019un robinet de vidange en partie basse,
\n- d\u2019une boucle de recirculation.
\nLa chaudi\u00e8re AGC \/ B160SL offre une esth\u00e9tique soign\u00e9e. La livraison en 2 blocs (chaudi\u00e8re \/ ballon) facilite l\u2019installation en tout point de la maison.\n

\n\nCes chaudi\u00e8res se distinguent par :
\n- un excellent rendement, jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%.
\n- une parfaite adaptation de la puissance aux besoins gr\u00e2ce au br\u00fbleur modulant de 22 \u00e0 100%.<\/strong>
\n- une compacit\u00e9 et un comportement ultra-r\u00e9actif <\/strong>gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe en fonte d\u2019aluminium silicium monobloc, de conception propre au groupe BDR Thermea.
\n- un \u00e9quipement performant : \u00e9clairage int\u00e9rieur, vanne d\u2019inversion, pompe modulante de classe A, vase d\u2019expansion de 18 litres.

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re Modulens G est \u00e9quip\u00e9e de la r\u00e9gulation Diematic iSystem. <\/strong> Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une r\u00e9gulation avec tableau de commande int\u00e9gr\u00e9 \u00e0 la fois ergonomique, intuitive, intelligente et orient\u00e9e syst\u00e8mes.
\nElle permet de g\u00e9rer la diversit\u00e9 des chauffages modernes : 2 circuits de base et 3 en option pour les solutions de chauffage \u00e9volutives et multi-\u00e9nergies. Elle offre une grande simplicit\u00e9 de navigation et de lecture (afficheur LCD extra-large).\n<\/p>\n","details":"

\nTechnische Merkmale des Modulens G
AGC \/ B160SL:

von 3,4 bis 35,9 kW
H 930 T 660 B 1200
Diematic iSystem
bis zu 109 %
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung

\nTechnical specifications of Modulens G
AGC \/ B160SL :

\nOutput <\/strong>
from 3,4 to 35,9 kW
\nDimensions <\/strong>
H 930 W 1200 D 660 mm
\nControl system <\/strong>
Diematic iSystem
\nEfficiency <\/strong>
up to 109%
chimney or forced flue

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques de Modulens G
AGC \/ B160SL

de 3,4 \u00e0 35,9 kW
H 930 P 660 L 1200 mm
Diematic iSystem
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse
\n<\/p>\n","vergleich_set_id":"0","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"main_product_id":"53","zusatz_product_id":"64","investition":"5","energieersparnis":"7","umwelt":"6","komfort":"7","image":"images\/set_75.png","image_big":"images\/set_big_75.png","image_compare":"images\/set_compare_75.png"},{"id":"76","title":"Modulens G
AGC \/ V160SL","title_en":"Modulens G
AGC \/ V160SL","title_fr":"Modulens G
AGC \/ V160SL","beschreibung":"

\nDie Stand- Gas-Brennwertsysteme der Reihe Modulens G besteht aus 4 Modellen mit einer Leistung von 3,4 bis 35,9 kW.
\nDer gleich konstruierte Heizkessel mit untergestelltem Speicher verringert den Platzbedarf und bietet ein sorgf\u00e4ltig entworfenes Design. Der emaillierte Warmwasserspeicher mit Glatrohrtauscher (160 Litern) wird durch eine wartungsfreie Zwangsstrom-Anode (ACI-Anode) gesch\u00fctzt.

\nDer Speicher verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber:
\n- ein Ablassventil an der Unterseite,
\n- eine Umlaufschleife.
\nDie Lieferung in Form von 2 separaten Bl\u00f6cken (Heizkessel \/ Speicherbeh\u00e4lter) erm\u00f6glicht eine einfache Installation \u00fcberall im Haus.

\n\nDie spezifischen Merkmale des Heizkessels:
\n- erm\u00f6glicht einen Normnutzungsgrad bis zu 109 %.
\n- gew\u00e4hrleistet die perfekte Anpassung der Leistung an den Bedarf durch den - modulierenden Brenner von 22 bis 100 %.
\n- ist extrem reaktiv und kompakt durch den neuen Monoblock-W\u00e4rmetauscher aus Aluminium-Silizium, eine Eigenentwicklung der BDR Thermea Gruppe.
\n- verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine regulierende Pumpe der Klasse A, und ein Ausdehungsgef\u00e4\u00df von 18 Liter.

\n\nDer Heizkessel Modulens G verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber die Regelung Diematic iSystem. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Regelung die ergonomisch, intuitiv, intelligent und systemorientiert ist.
\nSie erm\u00f6glicht die Steuerung der vielf\u00e4ltigen modernen Heizungsysteme: 2 Basiskreisl\u00e4ufe (3 als Option) f\u00fcr wandlungsf\u00e4hige Multi-Energie-Heizungsl\u00f6sungen. Sie bietet eine sehr einfache Navigation durch die Men\u00fcs und Klartext (besonders gro\u00dfes LCD-Display).\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_en":"

The Modulens G floor-standing gas condensing boilers range is composed by 3 models, from 3,4 to 35,9 kW .
\nThey are designed for heating and domestic hot water production through 160-litre tank with coil heat exchanger in the same design. Placed underneath the boiler, the unit has a nice appearance. The delivery in 2 parts (boiler \/ tank) allows easy installation anywhere in the house.

\n\nTechnical features of the tank :
\n- service-free protection through self adapting current anode ,
\n- drain tap,
\n- recirculation loop.

\n\nTechnical features of the boiler:
\n- efficiency up to 109%.
\n- ensures perfect adjustment output \/ needs thanks to burner modulation from 22% to 100%.
\n- provides heating and domestic hot water via inversion valve.
\n- is highly reactive and compact thanks to new monobloc aluminium silicium heat exchanger, industrial property of BDR Thermea group.
\n- fully equipped: A class modulating pump, 18-litre expansion vessel, safety valve, air vent.

\n\nThe Modulens G boiler is fitted with Diematic iSystem control panel with ergonomic, intuitive, smart and system-oriented operating.
\nIt allows to manage the full range of modern heating systems : 2 circuits, a third optional for upgradable, multi-energy heating solutions. It allows easy navigation and plain reading (extra-wide LCD display).\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_fr":"

\nLa gamme de chaudi\u00e8res gaz \u00e0 condensation au sol Modulens G est compos\u00e9e de 4 mod\u00e8les allant de 3,4 \u00e0 35,9 kW.
\nCe mod\u00e8le est construit sur base d'une chaudi\u00e8re sol associ\u00e9e \u00e0 un ballon de m\u00eame design, mont\u00e9e en version colonne. Le ballon \u00e9maill\u00e9 \u00e0 serpentin d\u2019une capacit\u00e9 de 160 litres est prot\u00e9g\u00e9 par une anode \u00e0 courant impos\u00e9 (ACI) qui ne n\u00e9cessite pas d\u2019entretien.
\nLe ballon est \u00e9quip\u00e9 :
\n- d\u2019un robinet de vidange en partie basse,
\n- d\u2019une boucle de recirculation.
\nLa chaudi\u00e8re AGC V 160 SL permet une occupation au sol r\u00e9duite et offre une esth\u00e9tique soign\u00e9e. La livraison en 2 blocs (chaudi\u00e8re \/ ballon) facilit\u00e9 l\u2019installation en tout point de la maison.\n

\n\nCes chaudi\u00e8res se distinguent par :
\n- un excellent rendement, jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%.
\n- une parfaite adaptation de la puissance aux besoins gr\u00e2ce au br\u00fbleur modulant de 22 \u00e0 100%.<\/strong>
\n- une compacit\u00e9 et un comportement ultra-r\u00e9actif <\/strong>gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe en fonte d\u2019aluminium silicium monobloc, de conception propre au groupe BDR Thermea.
\n- un \u00e9quipement performant : \u00e9clairage int\u00e9rieur, vanne d\u2019inversion, pompe modulante de classe A, vase d\u2019expansion de 18 litres.

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re Modulens G est \u00e9quip\u00e9e de la r\u00e9gulation Diematic iSystem.<\/strong> Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une r\u00e9gulation avec tableau de commande int\u00e9gr\u00e9 \u00e0 la fois ergonomique, intuitive, intelligente et orient\u00e9e syst\u00e8mes.
\nElle permet de g\u00e9rer la diversit\u00e9 des chauffages modernes : 2 circuits de base et 3 en option pour les solutions de chauffage \u00e9volutives et multi-\u00e9nergies. Elle offre une grande simplicit\u00e9 de navigation et de lecture (afficheur LCD extra-large).\n<\/p>\n","details":"

\nTechnische Merkmale des Modulens G
AGC \/ V160SL:

von 3,4 bis 35,9 kW
H 1687 T 660 B 600
Diematic iSystem
bis zu 109 %
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung\n<\/p>","details_en":"

\nTechnical specifications of boiler Modulens G
AGC \/ V160SL:

\nOutput <\/strong>
from 3,4 to 35,9 kW
\nDimensions <\/strong>
H 1687 W 600 D 660 mm
\nControl system <\/strong>
Diematic iSystem
\nEfficiency <\/strong>
up to 109%
chimney or forced flue\n<\/p>\n","details_fr":"

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques de Modulens G
AGC \/ V160SL

de 3,4 \u00e0 35,9 kW
H 1687 P 660 L 600 mm
Diematic iSystem
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse\n<\/p>\n","vergleich_set_id":"0","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"main_product_id":"53","zusatz_product_id":"65","investition":"5","energieersparnis":"7","umwelt":"6","komfort":"7","image":"images\/set_76.png","image_big":"images\/set_big_76.png","image_compare":"images\/set_compare_76.png"},{"id":"77","title":"Modulens G
AGC","title_en":"Modulens G
AGC","title_fr":"Modulens G

\nDie Stand- Gas-Brennwertsysteme der Reihe Modulens G besteht aus 4 Modellen mit einer Leistung von 3,4 bis 35,9 kW.
\n\nDie spezifischen Merkmale des Heizkessels:
\nerm\u00f6glicht einen Normnutzungsgrad bis zu 109 %.
\ngew\u00e4hrleistet die perfekte Anpassung der Leistung an den Bedarf durch den modulierenden Brenner von 22 bis 100%<\/strong>
\nist extrem reaktiv und kompakt<\/strong> durch den neuen Monoblock-W\u00e4rmetauscher aus Aluminium-Silizium, eine Eigenentwicklung der BDR Thermea Gruppe.
\nverf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine regulierende Pumpe der Klasse A, und ein Ausdehungsgef\u00e4\u00df von 18 Liter.

\n\nDer Heizkessel Modulens G verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber die Regelung Diematic iSystem. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Regelung die ergonomisch, intuitiv, intelligent und systemorientiert ist. \nSie erm\u00f6glicht die Steuerung der vielf\u00e4ltigen modernen Heizungsysteme: 2 Basiskreisl\u00e4ufe (3 als Option) f\u00fcr wandlungsf\u00e4hige Multi-Energie-Heizungsl\u00f6sungen. Sie bietet eine sehr einfache Navigation durch die Men\u00fcs und Klartext (besonders gro\u00dfes LCD-Display).\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_en":"

\nThe Modulens G floor-standing gas condensing boilers range is composed by 3 models, from 3,4 to 35,9 kW.\nThey are designed for heating only.
\n\nTechnical features of the boiler:
\n- efficiency up to 109%.
\n- ensures perfect adjustment output \/ needs thanks to burner modulation from 22% to 100%.
\n- can provide heating and domestic hot water via inversion valve.
\n- is highly reactive and compact thanks to new monobloc aluminium silicium heat exchanger, industrial property of BDR Thermea group.
\n- fully equipped: A class modulating pump, 18-litre expansion vessel, safety valve, air vent.

\n\nThe Modulens G boiler is fitted with Diematic iSystem control panel with ergonomic, intuitive, smart and system-oriented operating.\nIt allows to manage the full range of modern heating systems\u00a0: 2 circuits, a third optional for upgradable, multi-energy heating solutions. It allows easy navigation and plain reading (extra-wide LCD display).\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_fr":"

\nLa gamme de chaudi\u00e8res gaz \u00e0 condensation au sol Modulens G est compos\u00e9e de 4 mod\u00e8les allant de 3,4 \u00e0 35,9 kW.
\n\nCes chaudi\u00e8res se distinguent par :
\nun excellent rendement, jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%.
\nune parfaite adaptation de la puissance aux besoins gr\u00e2ce au br\u00fbleur modulant de 22 \u00e0 100%.<\/strong>
\nune compacit\u00e9 et un comportement ultra-r\u00e9actif <\/strong>gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe en fonte d\u2019aluminium silicium monobloc, de conception propre au groupe BDR Thermea.
\nun \u00e9quipement performant : \u00e9clairage int\u00e9rieur, vanne d\u2019inversion, pompe modulante de classe A, vase d\u2019expansion de 18 litres.

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re Modulens G est \u00e9quip\u00e9e de la r\u00e9gulation Diematic iSystem. <\/strong> Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une r\u00e9gulation avec tableau de commande int\u00e9gr\u00e9 \u00e0 la fois ergonomique, intuitive, intelligente et orient\u00e9e syst\u00e8mes.
\nElle permet de g\u00e9rer la diversit\u00e9 des chauffages modernes : 2 circuits de base et 3 en option pour les solutions de chauffage \u00e9volutives et multi-\u00e9nergies. Elle offre une grande simplicit\u00e9 de navigation et de lecture (afficheur LCD extra-large).\n<\/p>\n","details":"

\nTechnische Merkmale Modulens G

von 3,4 bis 35,9 kW
H 840 T 660 B 600 mm
Diematic iSystem
bis zu 109 %
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung\n<\/p>\n","details_en":"

\nTechnical specifications Modulens G

from 3,4 to 35,9 kW
H 840 W 600 D 660 mm
\nControl system<\/strong>
Diematic iSystem
up to 109%
flue or air vent\n<\/p>\n","details_fr":"

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques Modulens G

de 3,4 \u00e0 35,9 kW
H 840 P 660 L 600 mm
Diematic iSystem
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse\n<\/p>\n","vergleich_set_id":"0","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"main_product_id":"53","zusatz_product_id":"69","investition":"4","energieersparnis":"7","umwelt":"6","komfort":"0","image":"images\/set_77.png","image_big":"images\/set_big_77.png","image_compare":"images\/set_compare_77.png"},{"id":"78","title":"Modulens O
AFC","title_en":"Modulens O
AFC","title_fr":"Modulens O

\nDie Stand- Erd\u00f6l-Brennwertsysteme der Reihe Modulens O bestehen aus 3 Modellen mit einer Leistung von 10,6 bis 30 kW.

\n\nSpezifische Merkmale dieser Heizkessel:
\n- innovative Brennertechnologie mit niedrigem Nox-Aussto\u00df, wodurch die Leistung zur Anpassung an die Bed\u00fcrfnisse der Anlage zwischen 59 und 100% reguliert werden kann.
\n- NOx-Emissionen < 100 mg\/kWh.
\n- verbesserte Kompaktheit durch den neuen Monoblock-Waermetauscher aus Edelstahl.
\n- leistungsstarke Ausstattung: Pumpe der Klasse A, Ausdehungsgefaess von 18 Liter, \u00f6lfilter FloCo-Top, Entl\u00fcftungsventil und Sicherheitsventil.\n

\n\nDer Heizkessel Modulens O verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber die Regelung Diematic iSystem. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Regelung die ergonomisch, intuitiv, intelligent und systemorientiert ist. \nSie erm\u00f6glicht die Steuerung der vielf\u00e4ltigen modernen Heizungsysteme: 2 Basiskreisl\u00e4ufe (3 als Option) f\u00fcr wandlungsf\u00e4hige Multi-Energie-Heizungsl\u00f6sungen. Sie bietet eine sehr einfache Navigation durch die Men\u00fcs und Klartext (besonders gro\u00dfes LCD-Display).\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_en":"

\nThe Modulens O floor-standing oil condensing boilers range is composed by 3 models, from 10,6 to 30 kW .\nThey are designed for heating only.\n

\n\nTechnical features of the boiler:
\n- efficiency up to 105%.
\n- innovative, low NOx, burner technology enables output modulation from 59% to 100% for perfect adjustment to installation requirements.
\n- Nox emission < 100 mg\/kWh.
\n- compact sizes thanks to new stainless steel monobloc heating exchanger.
\n- fully equipped\u00a0: Class A modulating pump, 18-litre expansion vessel, FloCo-Top oil filter, drain tap and safety valve.

\n\nThe Modulens O boiler is fitted with Diematic iSystem control panel with ergonomic, intuitive, smart and system-oriented operting. It allows to manage the full range of modern heating systems\u00a0: 2 circuits, a third optional for upgradable, multi-energy heating solutions. It allows easy navigation and plain reading (extra-wide LCD display).\n<\/p>\n","beschreibung_fr":"

\nLa gamme de chaudi\u00e8res fioul \u00e0 condensation au sol Modulens O est compos\u00e9e de 3 mod\u00e8les allant de 10,6 \u00e0 30 kW . \n

\n\nCes chaudi\u00e8res se distinguent par :
\nun rendement jusqu\u2019\u00e0 105%.
\nla technologie novatrice du br\u00fbleur bas NOx qui permet de moduler la puissance de 59 \u00e0 100%<\/strong> pour une parfaite adaptation aux besoins de l\u2019installation.
\n\u00e9missions des NOx < \u00e0 100 mg\/kWh.
\nune compacit\u00e9 accrue <\/strong>gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe monobloc en acier inoxydable.
\nun \u00e9quipement performant : pompe modulante de classe A, vase d\u2019expansion de 18 litres, filtre fioul FloCo-Top, purgeur et soupape de s\u00e9curit\u00e9.\n

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re Modulens O est \u00e9quip\u00e9e de la r\u00e9gulation Diematic iSystem. <\/strong> Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une r\u00e9gulation avec tableau de commande int\u00e9gr\u00e9 \u00e0 la fois ergonomique, intuitive, intelligente et orient\u00e9e syst\u00e8mes.
\nElle permet de g\u00e9rer la diversit\u00e9 des chauffages modernes : 2 circuits de base et 3 en option pour les solutions de chauffage \u00e9volutives et multi-\u00e9nergies. Elle offre une grande simplicit\u00e9 de navigation et de lecture (afficheur LCD extra-large).\n<\/p>\n","details":"

\nTechnische Merkmale Modulens O

von 10,6 bis 30 kW
H 1140 T 660 B 600 mm
Diematic iSystem
bis zu 105 %
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung\n<\/p>\n","details_en":"

\nTechnical specifications Modulens O

from 10,6 to 30 kW
H 1140 W 600 D 660 mm
\nControl system<\/strong>
Diematic iSystem
up to 105%
flue or air vent\n<\/p>\n","details_fr":"

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques Modulens O

de 10,6 \u00e0 30 kW
H 1140 P 660 L 600 mm
Diematic iSystem
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 105%
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse\n<\/p>\n","vergleich_set_id":"0","keyval":{"key_1":"","val_1":"","key_en_1":"","val_en_1":"","key_fr_1":"","val_fr_1":"","key_2":"","val_2":"","key_en_2":"","val_en_2":"","key_fr_2":"","val_fr_2":"","key_3":"","val_3":"","key_en_3":"","val_en_3":"","key_fr_3":"","val_fr_3":"","key_4":"","val_4":"","key_en_4":"","val_en_4":"","key_fr_4":"","val_fr_4":"","key_5":"","val_5":"","key_en_5":"","val_en_5":"","key_fr_5":"","val_fr_5":"","key_6":"","val_6":"","key_en_6":"","val_en_6":"","key_fr_6":"","val_fr_6":"","key_7":"","val_7":"","key_en_7":"","val_en_7":"","key_fr_7":"","val_fr_7":"","key_8":"","val_8":"","key_en_8":"","val_en_8":"","key_fr_8":"","val_fr_8":"","key_9":"","val_9":"","key_en_9":"","val_en_9":"","key_fr_9":"","val_fr_9":"","key_10":"","val_10":"","key_en_10":"","val_en_10":"","key_fr_10":"","val_fr_10":""},"main_product_id":"55","zusatz_product_id":"0","investition":"7","energieersparnis":"7","umwelt":"6","komfort":"0","image":"images\/set_78.png","image_big":"images\/set_big_78.png","image_compare":"images\/set_compare_78.png"},{"id":"79","title":"Twineo
EGC 25 und EGC 17-29\/ V100SL","title_en":"Twineo
EGC 25 and EGC 17-29 \/ V100SL","title_fr":"Twineo
EGC 25 et EGC 17-29 \/ V100SL","beschreibung":"

\nDie Stand-Gas-Brennwertkessel Twineo EGC 25 und 17-29 \/ V100SL dienen zur Heizung und Warmwassererzeugung.
\nMit dem Standkessel ist ein emaillierter Warmwasserspeicher mit Glatrohrtauscher (100 Liter) verbunden, der durch eine Magnesiumanode gesch\u00fctzt wird. Der gleich konstruierte Heizkessel EGC 25\/V100SL mit untergestelltem Speicher verringert den Platzbedarf und bietet ein sorgf\u00e4ltig entworfenes Design.
\nDie Lieferung in Form von 2 separaten Bl\u00f6cken (Heizkessel \/ Speicherbeh\u00e4lter) erm\u00f6glicht eine einfache Installation \u00fcberall im Haus.

\n\nDieses sehr leistungsstarke Modell:
\n- erm\u00f6glicht einen Nutzeffekt bis zu 109 %.
\n- gew\u00e4hrleistet die perfekte Anpassung der Leistung an den Bedarf durch den modulierenden Brenner von 22 bis 100 %.
\n- steuert die Heizung und Warmwassererzeugung \u00fcber Umkehrventil. F\u00fcr Warmwasser ist die Leistung des Heizkessels auf 28 kW reguliert.
\n- ist extrem reaktiv und kompakt durch den neuen Heizungsk\u00f6rper in Form eines Monoblocks aus Aluminium-Silizium-Guss, eine Eigenentwicklung der Gruppe BDR Thermea.
\n- verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber eine Pumpe mit 3 Geschwindigkeitsstufen f\u00fcr EGC 25 and modulierende A Klasse Pumpe f\u00fcr EGC 17-29 und einen Expansionsbeh\u00e4lter f\u00fcr 12 Liter.

\n\nDie Heizkessel EGC verf\u00fcgen \u00fcber das neue Bedienfeld Inicontrol.
\nF\u00fcr einen wirtschaftlicheren Betrieb unter Aufrechterhaltung eines ausgezeichneten Komforts steht folgendes Zubeh\u00f6r zur Verf\u00fcgung:
\n- ein Au\u00dfentemperaturf\u00fchler,
\n- ein Umgebungstemperaturregler,
\n- ein modulierender Umgebungstemperaturregler openTherm.

\nFloor-standing gas condensing boiler Twineo EGC \/ V100SL are designed for heating and domestic hot water production. The boiler is associated with an enamelled tank in the same design with coil heat exchanger and magnesium anode protection. The tank is installed underneath the boiler to reduce the foot print. The delivery in 2 separate parts (boiler \/ tank) allows easy installation anywhere in the house.

\n\nGiving outstanding performances, the boiler :
\n- offers an efficiency up to 109%.
\n- ensures perfect adjustment output \/ needs thanks to burner modulation from 22 to 100%.
\n- provides heating and domestic hot water via inversion valve.
\n- is highly reactive and compact thanks to new monobloc aluminium silicium heat exchanger, industrial property of BDR Thermea group.
\n- equipped with a 3-speed pump for EGC 25 and a modulating class A pump for EGC 17-29 and a 12-litre expansion vessel.

\n\nThe boiler is fitted with the new Inicontrol control panel for single heating circuit and DHW control.
\nFor more savings with a high level of comfort, can be added :
\n- an outside sensor,
\n- a room thermostat,
\n- a modulating openTherm room thermostat.<\/p>\n","beschreibung_fr":"

Les chaudi\u00e8res \u00e0 condensation gaz au sol Twineo EGC 25 et 17-29 \/ V100SL sont destin\u00e9es\n au chauffage et \u00e0 la production d\u2019eau chaude sanitaire.
\n\u00c0 la chaudi\u00e8re sol est associ\u00e9 un ballon de 100 litres \u00e9maill\u00e9 \u00e0 serpentin, prot\u00e9g\u00e9 par anode en magn\u00e9sium. De m\u00eame design et mont\u00e9e en version colonne, la chaudi\u00e8re EGC \/ V100SL permet une occupation au sol r\u00e9duite et offre une esth\u00e9tique soign\u00e9e.
\nLa livraison en 2 blocs s\u00e9par\u00e9s (chaudi\u00e8re \/ ballon) permet une installation plus facile en tout point de la maison.

\n\nDot\u00e9e de tr\u00e8s hautes performances, ce mod\u00e8le :
\n- atteint un rendement jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%.<\/strong>
\n- garantit une parfaite adaptation de la puissance aux besoins gr\u00e2ce au br\u00fbleur modulant de 22 \u00e0 100%.<\/strong>
\n- g\u00e8re le chauffage et l\u2019eau chaude sanitaire par vanne d\u2019inversion. La chaudi\u00e8re est boost\u00e9e \u00e0 28 kW en mode sanitaire. <\/strong>
\nest ultra-r\u00e9active et compacte<\/strong>, gr\u00e2ce au nouveau corps de chauffe en fonte d\u2019aluminium silicium monobloc, de conception propre au groupe BDR Thermea.
\n- est \u00e9quip\u00e9e d\u2019une pompe 3 vitesses pour la EGC 25 et d'une pompe modulante de classe A pour la EGC 17-29 et d\u2019un vase d\u2019expansion de 12 litres.

\n\nLa chaudi\u00e8re EGC est \u00e9quip\u00e9e du nouveau tableau de commande Inicontrol. <\/strong>
\nPour un fonctionnement plus \u00e9conomique tout en assurant un excellent niveau de confort, peuvent \u00eatre ajout\u00e9s :
\n- une sonde ext\u00e9rieure,
\n- un thermostat d\u2019ambiance,
\n- un thermostat d\u2019ambiance modulant openTherm.

\nTechnische Merkmale Twineo EGC \/ V100SL

\nLeistung 50\/30\u00b0C<\/strong>
von 5,6 bis 25,5 kW
H 1408 T 660 B 600 mm
bis zu 109 %
\nSpezifischer Durchfluss<\/strong>
18 Liter \/ Min.
Schornstein oder Wand\/Dachduerchfuehrung

\nTechnical specifications Twineo EGC \/ V100SL:

\nOutput 50\/30\u00b0C<\/strong>
from 5,6 to 25,5 kW
\nDimensions <\/strong>
H 1408 P 660 L 600mm
\nControl system <\/strong>
\nEfficiency <\/strong>
up to 109%
\nSpecific flow rate <\/strong>
18 litres \/ min
chimney or forced flue

\nCaract\u00e9ristiques techniques Twineo EGC \/ V100SL :

\n\n\nPuissance \u00e0 50\/30\u00b0C<\/strong>
de 5,6 \u00e0 25,5
H 1408 W 600 D 660mm
jusqu\u2019\u00e0 109%
\nD\u00e9bit sp\u00e9cifique<\/strong>
18 litres \/ min
chemin\u00e9e ou ventouse